Last year I suffered gastroenteritis for the second time. I also suffered alot of intense head aches and a period of sickness, all at separate times. In November I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression. I've recently suffered from stomach pain, back pain, dizziness, sickness and bowel issues from one extreme to the other in the last few weeks which GP thinks is IBS. This led to me being prescribed Mebeverine 200mg and keeping a food diary. My query is, could all my bouts of illness last year be linked to IBS too or was that just bad luck 😩
Hi...: Last year I suffered gastroenteritis for... - IBS Network

Yes I would think they are all linked. IBS is often Kickstarted by gastroenteritis and all the symptoms you mention including the anxiety are typical symptoms. Have a look at the Monash University website or download the app and read about FODMAPS which is an elimination diet to try to find which foods trigger your reactions. It has helped loads of people on this site so hopefully will also help you. Good luck

Sashapet has put this so well with some excellent advice
If a food is not right for you it can give you loads of problems as you describe.
Thanks for replying, thats much appreciated. 😊
Hello. I have had similar symptoms to you. Some strange virus last November, then over Christmas some stomach virus that took 4 weeks to sort of clear. However I have suffered from cramps ever since and have recently had a scan to check for Gallstones, but none found. Cramping has practically gone but got an odd dull ache on RHS. Has been there for couple of weeks, almost like I have pulled a muscle. Going back to docs tomorrow although she has suggested I may need a camera down the throat
Recently getting some back pain and a few days ago dizziness. Not sleeping very well but like you, it all seems to come at different times. I seem to take 1 step forward and 2 back. Very depressing. My wife thinks it could be IBS and me too (hence why I am here on this forum). IBS seems to produce so many different issues, I sometimes worry it is something a lot worse.
Would be very interested to know how you progress
Thank you for replying, and sorry to hear you're suffering too, I hope you get some answers soon it does sound very familiar. Unfortunately with all the different periods of illness over 2015 this had been flagged up at work and now I may have to fight to keep my job. I'm hoping that they will accept all of 2015's incidents are also tied to IBS and take that into account before sacking me
Sounds like it could be SIBO- small intestine bacteria overgrowth. You need a breath test to confirm this. Then if it is positive, non absorbable antibiotic. This causes ibs and lots of other problems. You also need to watch your diet.