I was SO wiped out after a bm this morning...no straining (so can't blame that)... and have felt like a zombie since about 8:30 this morning... And this time its got me SO down and yes, scared, too....
My Dr doesn't think its the Vagus nerve...but I do... It doesn't always happen...and I have no idea what makes 'it' decide to zap me with a dead like tiredness which no amount of rest seems to help...
Tomorrow I go to the dr. for an appt.... and I guess I will take some comfort in the fact that he usually orders a CBC and a urine test... and I am going to ask for one of the feces/poop tests too... At least I (hopefully) will have some kind of reassurance that I am not dying...although I feel like it today.
Sorry to sound so negative and whiney.
I usually convince myself to feel some better with 'this, too, shall pass'...and yes, in the past it HAS all passed... but sometimes, during one of those times, you wonder if it actually will.
Well, just want to say 'thank you' to all of you for being there...for your understanding... for your lack of judgment and for your support...
It is really REALLY helpful when we can read it when someone writes 'yes, I go through this, too' or 'I know just what you mean'....
Just glad we are all here for each other. Hugs to you all.