Heard the end of a news story last night concerning a UK woman's who is suing following a bout of food poisoning which resulted in CHRONIC IBS. Anyone who has heard further details please post.
News Story: Heard the end of a news story last... - IBS Network
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No not heard anything but would be interested in seeing how that goes. My Dad gave me food poisoning with undercooked chicken which caused my IBS... Can i sue him lol?
To me this is so much bs..... Here in the states, also, we have people jumping out from every corner want to "SUE...!! Sue!!!! Let's get big money and SUE" .... I have had food poisoning any number of times through my long lifetime and got over it... Sorry if I have a really hard time believing that one case of food poisoning causes IBS... That is IBS without the "I".....
That's all people seem to want to do these days - sue! Can't they just accept that sometimes food makes you ill when you don't cook it properly! A horrible illness it is but you can't go round constantly blaming people/companies for your health!
Actually from what I understand in the BBC article the venue was at fault for breaching food hygiene regulations and the post infectious IBS has affected her future earnings. I fully support her actions as someone who, nearly 8 years ago fell ill in the same way and I have not been able to pursue a career (or, in the last four years) work at all and receive no benefits of any kind so am financially dependant on my husband. If I could sue the pub that caused me this life altering illness that has left me disabled and in daily agony that results in frequent admissions to hospital for pain management, then I would, but sadly it went out of business a few years ago. IBS is something that has a wide spectrum of symptoms, and some are fortunate enough to lead normal lives with it. Others like myself, dread every day of pain, dizziness, fainting, sweating, bizarre bowel movements and the emotional, physical and financial toll this has taken on myself and my husband, particularly with the complete lack of support of any organisation, charity or otherwise out there.