I am asking as in the last month i have had two periods less than two weeks apart from each other, and it has never happened before.
Is it common with ibs to have irregular periods. - IBS Network
Is it common with ibs to have irregular periods.

Hi Vezza, Im not sure about your question but I would not worry about it too much if it has only been once. If it continues like this for longer you could consult your doctor, but I think it can happen once in a while that periods get irregular.
Do I think that IBS can be connected to period, I for example have much more pain during my cycle than before I had IBS. Do other people have that as well?
My IBS-d always got worse during a period & the stomach cramps were horrendous. I say were as I seem to be in the menopause, with no clue as to when I might get a period! The GP I saw said the IBS worsening & increased pain was due to everything being so close together in your abdomenen/pelvis, that changes in one bit can affect the other. Having said that if you experience the same thing again pop in to see your GP. I also had 2 periods in quick succession & my surgery has a Gynea consultant who visits occasionally. He examined me & did another smear test, all was ok. But if in doubt/worry get checked out. Worry certainly won't help your IBS!
Yes, IBS can be worse at period time it was for me (all the bits in the same area). With regard to two periods so close it together monitor the situation if it continues get yourself checked for endometriosis(found in my case) and fibroids. Good Luck