I am little worry at main wait for doctor phone me but I've been have trouble going to toilet but when I go it look like rabbit poo . I eat lots apples and eat toast etc but still it really hurts was on toilet for over hour last night I am waiting go see gastrolist for my stomach pains but this something new oh and I keep getting gasterist.
Rabbit poo: I am little worry at main wait for... - IBS Network
Rabbit poo

Sounds like classic ibs c to me. Apples are a complete no no on the Fodmap list and toast is also not very digestible. If you have ibs c white bread will only make things worse. I do not know where you are on your ibs journey, whether diagnosed or awaiting tests. However, if you do have the constipated type of ibs then plenty of fluids ie water and herbal teas help as does Lepicol. They have a very good website . I would also checkout a Fodmap diet.
Hope you feel better soon
Do you take painkillers for your fibro? Some painkillers can cause constipation. I have osteoarthritis and find if I take my full amount of daily painkillers, I become constipated after a couple of days. I make sure I have plenty of drink and have a couple of sachets of fibogel. Doesn't sort it out fully, but makes things easier. I also had my gallbladder out last year and find if the fibogel doesn't work, I have something deep fried or really fatty/greasy and I'm sorted within a couple of hours maximum! (I normally avoid all fried/greasy/fatty foods nowadays because of the after effects)