how do you suggest controlling your anxiety fe... - IBS Network
how do you suggest controlling your anxiety fears around food?

Do you have any safe foods? Foods you know you can eat that don't cause symptoms?
Is it because at times you can eat certain foods with no problem, whilst at other times you will suffer after eating the same foods?
If you know there are certain foods that affect you - don't eat them.
After 65 years of being able to eating drink what I wanted U am now dairy intolerant - so have to be very strict about what I now eat and drink to control my symptoms and therefore any anxiety that my symptoms will affect me
Thanks Poing, binks and cricketqueen. You're so right! I do know which foods affect me and when I'm stressed I have to be extra careful. It still stresses me out because of what others say and the pressure I put on myself. My self-esteem is not good. I was told years ago that all of my eating issues were due to anxiety but they weren't. As this was by medical professionals I find it hard to listen to my body rather than them....stupid I know!
As I'm skinny lots of people assume I'm anorexic, which I'm not, and would like to actually put on weight! I just get fed up of trying! I let this get to me. I need to listen to my boyfriend though who says I need to accept myself for who I am and learn to be happy with myself. I'll get there....just not sure how!
I am in the same super skinny boat and can totally understand. People can be mean! I now avoid those people. They have no clue. I find it so difficult to put in weight and yes it can be frustrating but you say you have a boyfriend and if he accepts you than why can't you accept yourself?
I was the same...I lost more weight on FODMAPS and refused to buy new smaller clothes as I was determined to put weight on. That just made me feel worse so recently I started buying smaller clothes to fit me now. I feel better and lol of course look better....recently had someone say I looked much better than a few months back...even though I am the same weight!
I totally agree with you. My family, quite understanably, were very worried about me because I was losing weight, though not dieting. I have strange eating habits, as I do not get really hungry so therefore just a snack, which, i know is not good for me. About 18months ago, I was diagnosed with coeliac disease hence the weight loss. No more nagging from my familty, and I have put on a few pounds since then, but i am happy with myself. Your boyfriend is right, be happy as you are. Having to change the food i am allowed to eat now can be hard sometimes, but i know there a lot of people worse off than me. Good luck
haydn74 thanks!! I need to be around people who have celiac as at the moment i don't know anyone. i think this will help and I'll become more confident
Binks, you just brought up something that seemed to answer one of my many questions about this awful IBS problem. I am guessing the reason I can certain foods at one time and not another is due to my stress level? I hope so, because in that case I will really be careful to watch what I eat in stressful times and allow a bit of leeway on decent days. Thank you for unknowingly helping somene!!!
I have a few foods I cannot eat- ever, such as chickpeas. Other foods I can eat sometimes and not others e.g.onions, garlic. Sometimes I know I am very anxious, and my IBS is fine yet at stress free times, it flares up really badly. 20 years on and I am non the wiser as to why I get these flare ups. It's the unpredictability which gets me down because I never know when it's going to ruin my life and for how long!! I have tried Symprove, colofac, merbentyl, colpermin, spasmonal (I could go on....) - and a few of them seem to help for a short time and then I am back to square one.
have you tried the fodmaps diet? It's been the best move i made health wise but saying that the last week has been terrible having been away on holiday and having loads of stress. Exercise always helps...! I do have similar periods but i do know what this recent one is
im chuffed that I managed to help someone!!
me too ! i figure it changes as other things in life does. Love to hear if anyone else can though?
Im convinced that my low body weight doesn't help so I blame myself and the fact Im sporty for the problem. The thing is is that's me. I struggle to accept this and I dont know why.
i cant eat meat really well the fats and oil so no oil off pizza but strangel vegetable oils fine i eat pastas and salads with smoothies yum but mostly its portion sizes as well!