Doctors the last 2 months and on the phone at least once a week, I have been suffering abdominal pains and cramps as well as lower back pain including being woke at 2/3 in the morning with the pain, after being back and forth with the doctor they put it down to IBS i have tried 2 different types of tablets so far and nothing helping, i am convinced there is something more than IBS, anyone any idea?
Hi im new to this and just looking to see if a... - IBS Network
Hi im new to this and just looking to see if anyone can give me some clues on what i am suffering, i have been back and forward to the...

I think you need to go back to your GP again and ask for a referral to a gastroenterologist who will arrange different tests to rule out other possible causes for your symptoms. You only get a diagnosis of IBS after they've all been done and the medics can't find anything wrong in the conventional sense.
Make no mistake though, what you describe could well be down to IBS (whatever that is) and, if you read through some of the posts on this site you'll see that for yourself.

Thanks for the reply, i had blood and urine test done and all came back fine but the doctor gave me antibiotics for suspect UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) but as i thought no changes and all pains still the same, i find it difficult explaining the pain to the GP as i feel they aren't actually listening, however i am getting a phone call back from one of the GP's tomorrow and hopefully she can help me.
Also my Gran was diagnosed with Endometrial cancer 2 years ago then in November 2013 told she is terminal with months to live is it important my doctor knows this?
Well, it certainly won't hurt to tell your GP about anything in your family history that you think might be relevant, it might help you not to be so worried once you've shared that info with him/her.
Do you have any other symptoms, e.g. diarrhoea or constipation, nausea, gas, indigestion, bloating etc?
Hi have you got acid reflux , diarrhoea, feeling sick I would so go to specilst doctor gasto heh can,t rember how spell it that what I am waiting to see also I've got heart burn and I am in and out hostpial with gastertise oh and I got uti also but my is not common one weird. I hope you get better soon I know how you feel.
definetly so called ibs the pain is intertines twisting there tender in areas(you cant see) certain foods will activate,gets quite hard to work out,,forget the gp,,it seems the whole population is ibs just recently,,i had M E at same time,lasted 2 years back pain daily never sick tho,,eat only full fat produts no facny stuff creams yogurts etc
I took me two years to get diagnosed with IBS even though I had collapsed twice in a period of 6months and had ended up in A&E. You could very well have IBS and it can be severe. Keep going back to your doctor and make sure everything that can be done has been done. Also tell them about your Gran this may not be relevant but worrying about it may also be making your symptoms worse.
Btw take a look on the IBS Network's website they have lots of information that may help.