I’m a little bit lost...I’ve been seeing a doctor(s) for about 4 years with severe pelvic pain, heavy bleeding, irregular bleeding and bloating etc all endo symptoms. Multiple hospital stays and too many tears. I’ve had ultrasounds that have been clear and sometimes cysts. I had a lap last month and was told I was clear of any endo. My doctor is a specialist I think but I just have a gut feeling somethings been missed. I’m 24yrs old and dependent on tramadol and now I have oramorph at home when it gets too debilitating. I had the Mirena coil fitted too and been told to expect pain but this can’t just be from that?! I honestly don’t know what to do next. I’ve fought for an MRI and it’s happening next week but it’s only looking at my back because I said the pain radiates there.
If you’ve got this far I appreciate it and any help/advice is highly appreciated. My mental health is taking a huge hit from this all. I feel like I’m going crazy or something like being told it’s all in my head