About 3 months ago I was having horrendous pain in my left breast, arm and shoulder. Burning gnawing pain. I had a mammogram done- all clear. The pain went away. Then I discovered I had gallstones so I left it to that.
2 months ago, I started to realize that i consistently had to go pee but it was not a UTI as there was no burning. Still, I was treated for a UTI with antibiotics even though urine test and culture were clear. Then my vagina started to burn (not when peeing) and I constantly had to pee and had problems voiding. It felt like something was blocking the urine flow. I saw a urologist who said oh it's overactive bladder and gave me medicine that did not work (enablex). From there, I tried to self diagnose myself with mild prolapse (just had a baby in March) so I started doing training, saw a physio etc. I somewhat felt better but not really. Then, one week after my period (last week) I started to bleed. It did not feel like a period. It was bright red blood and my pelvis is continuously aching, burning! I went to Emergency and they just shrugged me off and told me to follow up with my specialist. Its been one week since the bleeding started and I'm still bleeding. I had a blood test yesterday and the results show my hormone levels are very very low.
I have had 3 transvaginal ultrasounds since August
August- nothing wrong at all
Sept- ovaries a bit enlarged (not really) and potential for polycystic ovaries
Oct- cysts on ovaries not diagnosed as polycystic. Also the uterine lining looked thick there looked like a polyp in there but dr did not mention it in report.
Also I had the CA 125 test came back with a level 5
I have seen my gyno who told me to go back to the urologist and that she cant help me (this was before the bleeding)
The urologist rolls his eyes at me and thinks I have an overactive bladder.
I need help I need tests I need to know what i have. This week I have 2 different gyno appts and back to the urologist.
Please tell me what you think this is. I can't go on like this I have 2 small boys and a husband I love so much. I just want to be able to live my life.
My aunt had uterine cancer. I don't know if this is so severe? No fibroids were seen on scan..could it be endometriosis?
Thanks in advance.
Stay well,