I only have a low grade tumour but it was obstructive so I've had a lot of surgery and ended up spending a couple of months in hospital after initial diagnosis. It's not all like the TV shows so here's a few myths busted.
1. The GAS PUTS YOU TO SLEEP - On TV before an operation it always shows someone being given a face-mask and then they're under. This usually isnt the case, the mask is normally just oxygen, the anesthetic is administered through a cannula.
2. HOSPITAL GOWN AND YOU'RE READY- for non emergency surgery there is a lot more prep ahead of surgery, washing in an antibacterial soap, removing all metal etc. You receive some very fetching paper/plastic cotton blend underwear (one size fits all). Compression leg massage machine, catheter which may be inserted before or once you are under. Multiple forms and questionnaires, you'll also repeat this information to multiple groups of people on your way. I did once make it down to the first room pre theatre and then after waiting about half an hour get wheeled back to the ward as emergency patients needed to be seen or other surgeries ran over.
3. YOU ARE WHEELED STRAIGHT FROM THE WARD TO THE OPERATING TABLE. There are at least two rooms first. There is a room, like a small ward that whereby they go over the information on the forms (they also get your hospital note), check you are prepped properly e.g. wearing the right things. Check off your wristband etc. You are then wheeled into theatre but there is another small prep room where you again go through forms, confirm its your signature, explain in your own words your understanding of what the operation is. You then get the eeg pads put on, additional cannula's if needed and any other equipment they may need. Mask on and then anesthetic is injected. I used to try and remember the last time I saw on the clock before I was under anesthetic.
4. YOU WAKE UP ON THE WARD - I dont think this is normal, I always woke up in the post op room where a Dr assesses your overall comfort and pain level, responsiveness etc. They then contact the ward and porters and next of kin ahead of taking you back to the ward. I think the only time I did wake up on a ward was if I was in the HDU (high dependency unit)
5. JUST SLEEP IT OFF - This may be more specific to those with brain tumours and other neural conditions but they keep an eye on how much you are sleeping over the day. I'm not saying they deprive you of sleep (though it is hard if you are on frequent obs over night), but they do encourage you to try and be awake and not have too many naps in the day, along side getting out of bed and moving around (where medically allowed).
6. EVERYONE PUSHES AROUND A DRIP STAND - this seems to be a very stereotypical image of someone in hospital. I did have one, as I needed an external drain due to overproducing CSF post tumour debulking, however very few people had these except when receiving fluids or IV medications, in which case they wouldn't be walking around.
7. MRIs - Very little is ever shown on this, the perception seems to be that it's quiet, it is not. It is extremely loud, you are given earbuds (some machines play music most don't)and you have a cage over your head. You hear a lot of bangs, clangs and clunks and what can only really be described as Sci-fi type noises. It can get a little cold so you may have a blanket over you. You have a little squeeze button if for whatever reason you want to be taken out.
I was extremely lucky as the food was ok, we even got free tv (this is very unusual and we were very lucky to have this). I had multiple surgeries and the MRI staff knew me by sight post discharge.
If you've had surgery or stayed in hospital how did you find it compared to what you thought a hospital / surgery is like?