Hi all, hope you're all doing well. One question I keep posing to myself is 'am I having a bad day, is this post-operation fatigue or am I just tired?' - I find it difficult to judge whether I am recovering because of fatigue but without a proper frame of reference, it's hard to know what normal energy levels look like anymore. Anyone had this problem and know of any solutions?
Bad day, fatigue or just tired? - The Brain Tumour ...
Bad day, fatigue or just tired?
Hi themuzzman, I suffer with fatigue and have to take each day as it comes. My 1st craniotomy was 12/2016 it took 8 months to be able to go back to work. 2nd craniotomy 03/2020 I’ve just gone back on a phased return to work today. I worked 3 hours ok this morning but now I’m home I’m shattered, so I need to rest this afternoon. It does get better but take your time, and fatigue I find is much harder to manage than tiredness. Bad days still happen but I’ve learnt to say, “ I’m having a bad day but will do the best I can” tomorrow is another day. You aren’t alone in thinking bad day, fatigue or just tired, it’s all part of the brain tumour journey. Good luck
Hi there! It’s a question that no amount of doctors have a definitive answer to. Go on about our fatigue is. about battery power and recharge! I would like to know why with the health and issues that we are going through why do we have these issues? Is this as good as it’s going to get? Will it ever be back to normal? I’m sorry I couldn’t help solve the problem but just know we are out here and it seems any tampering with the brain has it’s repercussions. It’s all about acceptance and tolerance! Five years on and I’m still not knowing how to fix this and very much stuck in a huge groove. Take care of yourself and I think it’s a case of manage, don’t overdo things and just go with the flow ! Sad but true!
We don’t have any other option! 😏
Hi all. I’ve been so exhausted & haven’t even been diagnosed as yet! Having MS & prev other ops etc I can recognise fatigue. When you just drop & sleep & literally have no energy/ thought of the world around you - that’s fatigue as your body just needs it! Tiredness is the day to day & I find the brain fog a bit difficult as there’s something in your head that just doesn’t want to think or work something out!
I’m feeling a bit better & at least balance & walking much better - thanks to Dr Dean’s balance exercise Thank you! But headache, brain fog still there. And at times try to do stuff like before & then realise it’s difficult. Is there a way to get the brain into gear again? Gentle exercises or something?
Guess slowly looking at things work etc? But can feel a pain in the left side in my head as if the actual machines churning is hurting!
The wonders of our bodies - we realise Fully only when it hurts!
Thanks & best wishes all