hi can anyone no how long do I have to wait to start medication for sleep TB hospital rang last week to tell me had TB iam so anxious just need to start medication so I can start to move from it just waiting
primrose : hi can anyone no how long do I have to... - TB Alert

Hi Bowred, I am hoping that you have started your treatment by now and that it has put your mind at ease. If you have not though, please be reassured that it is not urgent to start treatment for latent (or sleeping) TB. It is called sleeping TB because it is being kep in a sleeping state by your immune system, (your body's natural defence against infection). This means it is not causing any harm at the moment. The treatment is designed to stop this happening in the future - a condition we call 'active' TB.
I hope this helps?
Best wishes,
I had CT scan week go hospital got in touch with me said clear TB Point of view hospital appointment 28/ this month to discuss treatment I got my Head round all what have been told I am keeping positive about treatment Thank you for your reply my hospital gave me details on TB website it definitely helping me to get through this