We would like to hear from anyone who has experience of recovering from both COVID-19 and TB - this may have been many years apart or you may have been unlucky enough to have them close together. What were your experiences of each: your symptoms, emotions, treatment and recovery? What would you say to others about your experience? Please contact helen.clegg@tbalert.org
Have you experienced TB and COVID - at any time i... - TB Alert
Have you experienced TB and COVID - at any time in your life?
I had covid during the pandemic and lasted for 10 days and no lasting symptoms. I follow with TB after one year of covid, I was diagnosed with pleural TB in July 2021. To this day I’m still recovering, I already finished my treatment in January 2022. I currently have fatigue when moving, shortness of breath when lifting and walking without resting. It’s tough but overtime I have improved but still struggling somewhat daily. Nurses told me that since I had covid, covid could have lower my immune system and activated TB germs that were once on my system. I’m 23 years old by the way.
Hi I had covid in may 2020 never seemed to recovered from the cough I was then diagnosed with pulmonary tb in Jan 2021 after being so poorly for many months . My tb consultant said that covid had probably lowered my immune system allowing for the dormant Tuberlcosis to activate .