I've been doing good so far and I feel like im supposed to be more excited about how far I've come, but my thoughts are coming back again
Coming back???: I've been doing good so... - Talk ED (eating d...
Coming back???
Well done for the improvement you have made so far. It’s not surprising that you are having a few nagging ‘thoughts’. Remember that’s all they are. You can resist them and not act on them if you stay strong.
This is a tough battle
don't be disheartened by not feeling good about your progress Ana is angry at your progress and is trying to ruin your recovery
keep on track and don't let Ana pursude you to take a wrong turning
Stay with your recovery plan
It really is a tough battle. Ana is very convincing right now but I will try my hardest to ignore her. Thank you so much for responding to this.
I admire your strength and clarity. You seem to know that ‘you’ are not the voice of Ana. And that you can resist the pressure not to eat nourishing food. Taking responsibility for this task is the key step in recovery. I wish you well. Xx
Thank you so much. I know that Ana doesnt speak for me and I know that she seems like she was good for me but what I keep remembering is that she hurt me more than she helped me and she is just too toxic for me.
You sound like a true fighter! It’s great to hear. Sadly, my granddaughter is far back in her relationship with Ana. I’d love to know what’s helped you most in tackling her toxic messages.
Im fighting as hard as I can. It's not easy though. I just had to surround myself with the people that helped me through it. Then you just gotta tell yourself somehow that being held down by Ana isnt good. You gotta do everything that Ana doesnt want you to do. If that makes sense. You just gotta push back at Ana and you gotta tell her that she doesnt control you. Its not easy though