Well, yes, here I am again and I am hoping, here some of you are here too!
I know there are at least four of us here...and maybe , just maybe, a couple of far less welcome visitors too!
More of that later!
This is the first post of what I am hoping will become a regular spot, here on the S and F Forum.
If you read the info about this new post on C25K and Bridge to10K, you know why we are here !
We are here, to talk about our running and the kind of stuff we can do to support it, keep us injury free and also, how, in the event of some kind of injury, move forward again..
It is primarily, I hope...where there will be a few folk dropping in to chat with us and each other. Chatting and sharing what exercises they and we, are doing already or not, what they have found useful, what has helped with certain twinges or niggles or after injury even.
The emphasis here is on the word, chat ! Talk to each other, read replies, then go on into the main S and F Forum and have a good old nosey around.
So, so many folk, particularity on the C25K forum, asking the same questions and because they have not citied here, or talked to each other, those questions keep coming... and mostly, they are about those unwelcome visitors, I talked about earlier !
Who or what are they? These two villains that keep on hassling so many of us?
They are two of the most unpleasant characters that we could hope to encounter, and they lurk around, us... hoping to be our permanent running companions !They are of course...
Niggle and Twinge!!!
Yep... I knew you would recognise those names!
For many of us, when we begin to run, especially if we have never run in this way before...those two are, if we are not careful, able to become very familiar!
So... that is why we are in the Strength and Flex changing room...looking around and talking and finding what are the things we can do to keep those two characters at bay!
I will start a chat by saying, I am now repeating C25K again... ( have done it before ) and am now on Week 5 Run 3 !
Niggle tried to tag along with me at the end of Week 1! Little blighter!
I had very tender hips. Right on the tops. I had not run for six weeks... I had been exercising regularly , but not the right kind for the running legs and hips. So... I came onto the S and F Forum and found some excellent hip exercises... and yes... after a few days... they began to impact and guess what? No more tender hips ! Wonderful! I shall continue to be vigilant as I move onto the lovely longer runs !
That is the first ramble over... and now I am going to sit back and see who, if anyone pops in... and , what they have to share !
I am giving a shout out to those folk who said they would be along later and, some, who I know have had the odd encounter with niggle, or are coming back after illness!
So I am calling up MissUnderstanding Bluebirdrunner RunningJ123 , Bruch1 ToothPickJafah sTrongFuse @Slowest-snail-ever @Muggsey @Bagpuss58 @King88
It won't let me me tag some of you! Sorry !
If you get chance to pop in and share we would be pleased to see you!
Oldfloss x
I will let this run for a while and see how it goes