Hiya my sons 4 years old he's just been in hospital and they've found out he's got bradycardia he was originally admitted. To hospital from having three episodes of seizures we are awaiting to see specialists can anyone tell me any more about this?
Bradycardia and seizures : Hiya my sons... - Unexplained Faint...
Bradycardia and seizures
Hi there
It must be a scary time for you. S.T.A.R.S has a lot of information and can really make a difference in understanding slow heart rate and associated problems.
I have bradycardia and problems associated with it and S.TA.R.S have heped me greatly in getting some understanding of what was happening, treatments available etc. is your son under care of cardiologist?
Best wishes
It is always worrying when your child is not very well. Bradycardia is a slow heart rate which could cause your son to faint. There is also another condition that young children can be diagnosed with and this is RAS (reflex anoxic seizures). These occur mainly in young children but can occur at any age. Unexpected stimulus such as pain, shock or fright can cause the heart and breathing to stop . I assume you are waiting to see a consultant paediatric cardiologist for a diagnosis. If you would like to discuss this with me then please email jenni@stars.org.uk