anyone been prescribed Hydroxychloroq... - Scleroderma & Ray...
anyone been prescribed Hydroxychloroquine for raynauds & scleroderma?

Yes, I have been on it for a few months now - I take 400 mg a day...... Didn't feel well on it first of all - stopped taking it then went back again - and this time rounds am fine. Does help a bit with the joint and muscle pain.
Yes a couple of years ago. It was fantastic but I developed an allergic reaction (major skin rash) tried again a few months later, same result. Some people find it better 2nd time around.
I have been taking it for a few months now and like Anteater, I think it has helped a bit with the joint pain, it's hard to tell when you have so many other pains to cope with, but one side effect I have got with it is very bad constipation. Tried Senakot but not much help. Think I need another trip to the doctor for yet more medicine! Good luck x
thanks for the replies. it has taken away swelling in the hands although i cant say it has helped with the pain but i have to admit unless i stop taking it i wont really know!! interesting about the constipation, i was thinking that it was caused by scleroderma not a side effect of the medication.feel reassured that other people are on it too. thanks again
I have been on Hydroxyclorquine, together with the steroid Prednisolone for over a year now (apparently the Hydroxy helps the steroid to be more effective when taken together) they seem to have reduced the inflammation but again, like you I am a long term sufferer of constipation. I take Movicol sachets, which keep things moving. Best to avoid getting totally bunged up before you take something, to avoid bowel diverticulitis. I have Raynauds, Scleroderma and Sjogrens.
Thanks for the info Suze932. Do you get the Movicol from chemist or doctor?
It's from the chemist. It could be put on prescription if your doctor agrees. Better than laxatives as it is a bulking agent and if you have problems moving your bowels due to constipation or stiffening of the bowel wall due to Sclero it does not remove the natural flora from your stomach, which some laxatives tend to do, in my opinion. Good luck. We have to go with what works for us. I would run it past the Rheumatologists before starting it anyway, I think it's always best to do this.
I was supposed to be going on this but when I went to the specialist nurse to get me going on it they decided I couldn't take because of previous eye issues so the consultant decide to try me with methotrexate which I'm pleased to say has helped with joint issues/pain. So even if one doesn't work for you there is always something else to try.
I have Raynauds, but not Sclerodrma. I take hydroxychloroquine fir sjogren's syndrome and have done for over two years. It has made a huge difference to my joint pain. I'm not sure that it has helped with the Raynauds, but maybe it's helpful for Scleroderma.
Good luck.