Has anyone tried them and what do you think. It says "enter Guardian at checkout to get 20% off"
Alago Heated Gloves. I have just see... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Alago Heated Gloves. I have just seen an advert in the newspaper for these www,alago.co.uk

I find heated gloves a nuisance be cause I Have lost the feeling of touch in my hands and heated gloves make it worse. I have never heard of Alago heated gloves. I wear silver gloves, they are thin and I can keep then on when I am in the shops or turning the key in the door. If I am specially cold I insert in them mycoal packs, they last 8 hours.
Zenabb, Can you tell me where you got the silver gloves. I had a pair from a few years ago, but can't find them or remember where I got them.
Thanks, Faith
You can simply go alago.co.uk for the gloves details.
i am damm sure it is better what you having .... i recommend you Commuter pro gloves that will be available in Dec/............
You can get the silver gloves from the RSA, the Raynaud's and Scleroderma Association. I have a few pairs because they are washable. I can keep them on when I am eating a cheese toastie and then wash them.