How do I cope without my best friend? - Scleroderma & Ray...

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How do I cope without my best friend?

suzy66641 profile image
8 Replies

I am heartbroken. My gorgeous Bullmastiff has had to be put to sleep as he had cancer. He was still a baby at 4 and this is the second dog same breed and same illness both young dogs

Zen was not just any dog though. When I was ill he stayed with me constantly let me pull myself up on him and when I was unable to sleep he was my constant companion through the long painful nights when it seems like the whole world is asleep but you.

Tonight is my second night without him, last night I just cried all night, tonight is no better.How will I cope without best friend?

Suzy xxx

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suzy66641 profile image
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8 Replies
SandraMarie profile image

Pets are a great comfort, and when you feel ready you must find a new 'friend', maybe an older companion who will also be patient with you. :) x

TJme profile image

Hi Suzy ,

so sorry for your loss :( I know my two are my best friends , stay safe in the knowledge that your Zen is now at Rainbow Bridge frolicking with his friends and painfree .:)

I agree with SandraMarie , when you feel you can get another companion , If I was you I would look towards a different breed as the conditions both your dogs suffered from appear to have been breed specific .

whatever you decide , when you go to bed tonight close your eyes and imagine Zen happy and playing with your last dog at Rainbow bridge , you never know it may comfort you enough for you to be able to sleep a while .


uknlv profile image

Hi Suzy,

I know how you feel about three weeks ago my cat got ill and had to be put to sleep due to his kidneys failing. He was my constant companion, I am alone most of the time during the day and whenever I was in pain or just needed a cuddle my little Dude was always there for me. I cried for days after I had to let him go. I miss him everyday and even now it is hard to be without him. So many people think that they are just animals and not worth the tears, but they are more than that. They are a comfort when it seems no one else is there for you. I am still coming to terms with my loss and there really is nothing to say to you that will be a complete comfort. I have debated on getting another pet, but I am giving it time until it feels right. All I can say is I understand completely and send warm hugs your way through the air (computer) waves. And hopefully we will both find a new friend to keep us company when we are ready.

So sorry about your dog, i still grieve for my dog Derek, and its nearly 5 years since i had him put to sleep, a constant friend through a long and painful divorce. I have to say though pedigrees are too inbred and often end up with health probs, i wont watch crufts etc anymore. Dont get another one til the time is right and you're ready for it.

suzy66641 profile image

thank you all so much for your sympathy amd understanding

Love Suzy xxx

mamajo089 profile image

I understand. I had to put my sweet Molly down in may. she also had cancer. It helps to know she is pain free at Rainbow bridge. Contact Best Friends in Utah. This is an outstanding animal resue facility. They understand our feelings and heart break. I agree that there is another friend just waiting to be loved by you. An older pet ,maybe a mixed breed who is lonely too.I am sending you love and understanding.

Hi Suzy so sorry to be late to respond but I seldom go onto the net these days. I feel so sad for you on your loss. But think of all the good times you had together and the great love you showed to Zen in letting him go. A truely loving caring decision by you. Take care of yourself and keep strong.


dex1 profile image

I am so sorry for your loss. I feel your pain. I had to put my dog scooby down Oct 2011. We had her from 6 weeks old. She was 15yrs whenever we had to take her to the vet to be put down. We held her in our arms while the vet injected her and we felt her life slip away. It was one of the worst things my husband and i have ever had to do. We have her ashes sitting by the door as could not bring ourselves to scatter them. We would not get another dog as could not go through that again. People tell us we will change our minds as time is a great healer. I think you should also give yourself time and only you will know whenever the time is right to get another dog. My thoughts are with you.

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