Can anybody tell me in simple step by step terms how to withdraw from the "SCLERODERMA & REYNAUD'S UK (SRUK) forum. While looking up something I thought was associated with afib I accidentally joined the above forum. My computer skills are not good enough for me to figure this out. I want to delete the above forum without affecting my 2 other forums (a-fib and rls) or my account. I am so frustrated I could scream. I've also tried to contact the administrator thru the listed email but without success. Any help is appreciated. Thanks irina1975
How do I cancel out of a forum I acci... - Scleroderma & Ray...
How do I cancel out of a forum I accidentally slgned up for by mistake
Hi Irina
Go to the list of communities you have joined, click on the ‘following’ option and that should ‘unfollow’ you.
Hope that helps.
Hi Dawzelle. THANKS. It worked and so easy. You're brilliant. Done! Thanks again. irina1975
It's me. Sorry. It went away for a minute-will keep working on theis. I want to apologize to all the afib and rls posters for bringing all the posts from thescleroderma and reynauds forum. I also sent a letter to the administrater. It might take a few days to hear back but I will keep trying to delete this forum. irina1975
If you accidentally click on follow again it will join you back in. If I remember rightly, if the follow option is green you are following that community and if it’s white you’re not. I joined a community thinking it would be helpful but it didn’t turn out to be what I wanted, I followed those instructions and now it’s no longer showing in my groups. I can’t remember if it was instantly removed but all the alerts stopped straight away.
Thanks. That;s what I did so I repeated the process and it worked. Thanks. irina1975