hi im new here and was wondering if a... - Scleroderma & Ray...
hi im new here and was wondering if anyone its trying herbals to help with any of the disease/illness that u have :)
I try to use alternative medicine when I can. I have Hughes syndrome & Raynauds. I take peppermint oil mostly for my digestive issues but it helps improve circulation. For me it really helps. Peppermint oil is great for a lot of things.
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Yes, I do. I eat Ribwort Plantain for circulation and also it's antibiotic properties, Meadowsweet is also good for circulation as are many other herbs. Ribwort I pick from garden. Others come in either tea or tincture form, from herbalist. Much better than all these chemicals they try to pump you full of, with no knowledge of whether they work or side-effects. Go to a herbalist and they will assess your individual requirements. Good luck!
thanks for the replys i will try the ribwort ,as i havent yet ,i make my own nettle tea from the garden and also dandelions, yea i agree with that much better than pharmacy drugs ,i also take lots of vitamin D and use cider vinegar for heartburn ,but changing my eating habits has made a huge different, im a veggie and coeliac and edge of vegan feeling much better theses days than ever thanks again for the replys they really help peace <3
i sewar on nettle tea and I drink a lot of it just to lose weight it is good! a broad range of positive effects, the nettle tea has. on many pages can be read about it like this:
Here I have found a manual for a nettle salad and nettle soup .....