I sometimes have the sensation that "... - Scleroderma & Ray...
I sometimes have the sensation that "inside" of my arm is cold. Not the outside. Weird! Any ideas?

I started noticing that sensation when there was a draught or a cold breeze. I then started noticing that my hands got painful when this athletes and it my hands were awkward to move, almost like the joints were sticking. I went to the doctors when I noticed that my hands were turning blue and she diagnosed me with primary Raynauds. As time has gone by I've tried to manage it by starting warm but it got worse throughout the colder months. I was put on nifedipine around November time.
If I were you, I'd keep an eye out for any other symptoms and if it era worse then see your GP.
My knees are always cold i always feel cold from the inside out especailly with my bones and joints on bad days they feel like icicles and are very painfull even when im under my 15 tog duevet sorry but can not give you any advise on what to do just that your not alone
Hi JPhlps and glyn, Thanks so much for your replies. I do have Limited Scleroderma and I suppose it could be attributed to Raynaud's. I'll mention it to my rhumy the next time I go. Blessings
you may have reynauds these are the first signs of the condition any pins or needles or leg pain ? sore joints ? or cold pain in the eyes these were my first symptoms even before my feet and hands started going white check with GP good luck