I have limited Scleroderma and am thinking of looking for a second opinion on my condition, is there any consultants anybody would recommend , i presume the Royal Free is the best Hospital for this Illness?
I have limited Scleroderma and am thinking of looking for a second opinion on my condition, is there any consultants anybody would recommend , i presume the Royal Free is the best Hospital for this Illness?
Hi Megan
The Royal Free is great. You can be seen privately. My consultation was £280 I believe plus fee for capillaroscopy and I was seen within three weeks by Dr Ong. Professor Denton has a private waiting list of about four months.
I had been referred for an NHS appointment but I wanted to expedite matters so I paid but when I finally got to the RF on NHS they were incredible. Extremely thorough.
Hi Megan,
I felt the same as you and asked my Rheumatologist for a referral to the Royal Free, which he did and I got an appointment within 4 months on the NHS ,I go in February.
Good Luck
Hi there! I rang Prof Denton's secretary at the Royal Free and asked if he would see me. She said if I could forward a GP's letter to her she could fit me in at one of his satellite clinics in Bristol....I waited 3 wks. He is a wonderful, kind and knowledgeable man, who knows far more than my own Rheumy. He answered all my questions, and I came away feeling more informed and in control of this disease....He wrote to my Consultant to say that he would hand in hand with her, should we need his input at any time.