Are Reynauds & Achenbach connected ?
Reynauds & Achenbach: Are Reynauds... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Reynauds & Achenbach

Not officially - but I get both and Erythromelalgia too. I only get Achenbach occasionally following small localised trauma eg clapping, lancet, accident with door etc. Achenbach is haematoma I believe and I’m prone to these - associated with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome/ EDS I’ve read and I have this too. Never told doctor about Achenbach just worked it out for myself. Maybe under reported as they go away quite quickly and pain is intense but brief. My rheumatologist saw a photo and thought it was a chilblain!
Pretty sure I have EDS too and have suffered Achenbach syndrome all my life, its always some little incident that causes it, nothing major. Bruising and pain lasts for about 3-4 days usually on my fingers .
Yes me too. All physios I’ve seen confirm I have hypermobile EDS but my consultants are more concerned about the scleroderma and Sjogren’s related issues. I think EDS is usually a very underrated aspect of the overall connective tissue disease picture for many of us because it’s hereditary rather than autoimmune and they are more concerned about diagnosing and treating autoimmune diseases. But EDS can seriously complicate the way these present!