Covid vaccinations : Has anyone with... - Scleroderma & Ray...

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Covid vaccinations

NSV69 profile image
23 Replies

Has anyone with lung fibrosis contracted covid since receiving the vaccinations? How did it affect you and did you still end up in hospital?

What symptoms did you develop and how long was the recovery time?


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NSV69 profile image
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23 Replies
momo17 profile image

I’d be really interested in this too as I have lung fibrosis n double jabbed but my antibodies test showed as if I’d only had one jab or had covid which I haven’t so clearly still at risk. I wish there was more info on who is being hospitalised now and the deaths. Great question!

NSV69 profile image
NSV69 in reply to momo17

Hi Momo17

This is really important information that needs to be shared more widely as I am sure hospitals will be keeping data on these types of cases. How do you arrange an antibody test - is it via hospital or GP?


momo17 profile image
momo17 in reply to NSV69

I just paid for it privately as my doctors etc not always very helpful. It was with bio diagnostics and was £45. I’m sure there may be other companies that do it as well. You do a prick test of blood n send it off. I had trouble getting blood from my curled fingers but other than that relatively easy. Results in a couple of days.

NSV69 profile image
NSV69 in reply to momo17

Thx for that will give it a go - so does that show you may already have had covid?

momo17 profile image
momo17 in reply to NSV69

It said the amount of antibodies my blood showed would either indicate i had had covid or one dose of vaccine. This was a few weeks after i had had my second dose of vaccine so i think the high dose mycophenolate i am on has suppressed my immune reaction to the jab and made it not so effective - showing lower antibodies than would be expected and giving lower protection. Good luck with yours

LMB1366 profile image

Hi all I am going through COVID at the moment. I have scleroderma and lung disease as well also fighting with four digital ulcers as well for which I am on antibiotics. I do two lateral flow tests once a week as the government has advised. I am a Carer for two young women with learning g disabilities and they also do tests as well. I did two lateral flow tests on Wednesday as I had a rotten cold and was aware that with the Indian variant that this was a symptom. It went to two red lines as soon as the liquid hit the hole. I went to the test centre and had a PCR test done and no surprises it came back positive. Trace and track asked me to isolate for 10 days from when my symptoms started which was on Sunday as I though I had bleached sinuses which I suffer from anyway. When this cold got worse I then did the test and hey here I am now in isolation. All tests of people around me are negative. Stil waiting on my partner’s test and hope negative. I have been isolating in my loft bedroom and food left at the top of the stairs. I have what feels like a head cold, slightly sore throat and a cough which is full of phlegm. It seems to be in my throat area and hope it does not go to my lungs. This is now day four of my positive PCR and I am still fighting. The doctor says if my says drop I am to call an ambulance immediately. I have all windows open for fresh air. I am taking plenty of rest and drinking about 3 litres of fluid a day. My chest also feels tight but so far that is all. Don’t feel well but I do y feel like I am in need of the hospital yet. It scared the life out of me when I got it as Professor Denton said I would be very ill if I got it. I hope this is the worst I will feel. I have a positive attitude normally and I think this has carried me through scleroderma and it’s many complications and now COVID. I was also recently diagnosed with significant sleep apnea as I stop breathing at least 30 times an hour. I was due to go for a CPAP setup on the 5th July but will still ne in isolation. Of note is also that I use OxyContin exertion so when I am out and about or walking anywhere I wear oxygen at flow 7 per litre when jobs high. So all in all I am fighting this virus and because I have been double jabbed I feel more secure that I will be ok fingers crossed. I had the Phifzer biotech vaccines and my last one was in April. Hope this helps you all with the question you asked. Please be safe and don’t get complacent as it is horrible. Don’t know where I got it from but it is out there and the variant is horrible. Best wishes all

Linda x

NSV69 profile image
NSV69 in reply to LMB1366

Hi Linda

Thanks for the comprehensive answer. Reassuring to hear that it has not affected your breathing greatly and you have avoided hospital treatment. We can only hope that the 2 jabs have given us some form of protection against serious illness. Sounds like you have been really careful and scary to hear that you still got it from somewhere.

Sounds like a horrible virus and sincerely hope that you are over the worst very soon. Please keep us posted to how you are getting on. Take care and hope you get well soon.

LMB1366 profile image
LMB1366 in reply to NSV69

Thank you for your kind words. Update. I am in hospital now as was taken in yesterday afternoon with my breathing laboured. Says hit 78 when standing. Resting at 92. Dropped too fast. I am now on steroids and oxygen to try and bring down the inflammation caused by Covid and having injections in my stomach to reduce the risk of blood clots. It is scary and I have to say again exercise so much caution as I still don’t know where I got it from. Good luck to you and hope you stay well and virus free. Will keep you posted and hope I leave this hospital walking. Xx

momo17 profile image
momo17 in reply to LMB1366

Im so sorry to hear you are hospital now. You sound like a really positive person so I know you will be scared but you will find the strength somehow to cope with this. Sending love and get well wishes xx

NSV69 profile image
NSV69 in reply to LMB1366

Really sorry to hear that and I can only imagine how scary it must be for you right now but you are in very good hands and i am sure you will pull through. This also goes to confirm some of my worst fears around the vaccinations only really protect people without any underlying health conditions from serious illness. As you say we just have to just remain very cautious of who we come into contact with. My son has tested positive and isolating and i am in the process of moving to my mums house as a precaution. Hope and prey you fully recover and keep us posted. Take care

LMB1366 profile image
LMB1366 in reply to NSV69

Hi There I am still in hospital but hope to go home this afternoon. Waiting for blood results to come back to make sure that the Covid has not further spread any further than yesterday. I think I am lucky to be here if not for the vaccines I would not be here now. It shows that they are working as I was told by all consultants that I would not recover if I got Covid with lung disease. Proves them wrong and we don’t need to be as scared as we were. We are double vaccinated and I have not got it too bad so there is hope for us all. Will see how it all pans out when we unlock totally. I can tell you I will be wearing a mask still and not going to busy indoor areas. I got this with all precautions so not taking any chances now. Hope you are going to be ok with your son testing positive. If it is any consolation I am positive and no one else I have been in contact with or my partner who was in the. Same bed has been negative so think you might be ok. Fingers crossed for you. Take care. Linda xx

NSV69 profile image
NSV69 in reply to LMB1366

Hi Linda

So pleased to hear you are on the mend and hopefully back hime today fingers crossed. Also reassuring to hear that the symptoms were mild and hopefully that was due to the vaccine. Must be so scary being in hospital. Strange how other family members have not been affected and how you got it in the 1st place after being so careful. I have temp moved out to my mums for a few days to be on the safe side. Have they said how long you stay infectious for? And how long you need to isolate for? So pleased to hear that you are ok - keep us posted - take care

momo17 profile image
momo17 in reply to LMB1366

I’m so delighted to hear of your recovery! I hope you got out of hospital as planned and you are feeling much better. Look after yourself. You have had a really traumatic time. X

momo17 profile image
momo17 in reply to LMB1366

Hi Linda. I just wondered how your were recovering. Hope you are ok x

NSV69 profile image
NSV69 in reply to LMB1366

How are you now Linda

momo17 profile image
momo17 in reply to NSV69

I think you have done the right thing moving out for now. I have a teenage daughter n it’s a constant worry them bringing it home when we’ve to be so careful ourselves. Hopefully you will be fine and your son. Take care

NSV69 profile image
NSV69 in reply to momo17

Thank you - yes he is still quite unwell but has been advised it will take a few weeks to recover - we just have to all be so careful altho I am not looking forward to all restrictions being lifted in 2 weeks!!

momo17 profile image

I absolutely agree. I feel like our lives as immune suppressed so changed when everyone speaking about going back to normal, it’s the complete opposite for us. Our lives are quite limited anyway n it just makes the nice things we could do - like going for a coffee really risky! Only masks n distancing that was giving me confidence to go out at all! Lots on news yesterday saying it’s ironic that the vulnerable will be the only ones to continue with the masks n really that means we’re protecting others n it should be other way round. It’s scary. I hope your son improves. A worrying time for you.

NSV69 profile image
NSV69 in reply to momo17

Yes could’t agree more - we no longer seem to matter after being protected for so long

momo17 profile image

Yeah the shielding was such a big thing now we’re hardly mentioned. Just have to hope some movement pushes for more to be done as so many affected between auto immune, cancer n transplants.

momo17 profile image

How is your son doing now? Hopefully all ok

NSV69 profile image
NSV69 in reply to momo17

Hi he finally recovered after 3 weeks altho was scary to see how it can affect young fit people - he still feels tired but is now negative - thx for asking

momo17 profile image

That’s good. You’ll be glad to see him recovered n be back home. Take care

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