hi all! I have been told I have Morphea by my Hemotolagist reading my results out. I know I have Raynaurd symptoms but not been tested. I have a phone videk appointment on Saturday so I will know were im at. I have a few different health issues but I dont want to boar you all. Thank
Just joined : hi all! I have been told... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Just joined

Hi there,
I have had limited scleroderma for 34 years, and I have 3 other autoimmune conditions. Make sure that you have a list of questions to ask, as it may be a while until you get seen again with the coronavirus pandemic. If you have any questions just ask.
Please do not feel you are boring us, this website is exactly where you can vent your spleen (so to speak) and get some encouraging advice. We are all a mixed bag.
I'm also not diagnosed yet but have suspected reynard's. Although the doctors didn't want (couldn't be bothered) to look into it yet unless/until it gets worse. :/
Don’t overthink or worry. I started 20 yrs ago with white finger and pain holding cold items. I would have to drop them! True - the pain is worse but I’m not debilitated yet! I live healthy and exercise exercise exercise. I’m hoping none of the more severe stuff happens. I’m trying to believe at 48 that maybe it will level off 😉