Have not seen rheumatologist in over a year. Have an appointment next week but think it will be cancelled with all that's going on at the moment. Here is a list of my symptoms have Raynaud's swollen fingers dry mouth dry eyes acid reflux oesophageal dysmotility thickening of some tendons very painful joints asked my doctor if it could be scleroderma but got told wait until I have seen rheumatologist. Also got intestinal lung disease but that might be due to something else. Don't know what to think anymore.
Could this be scleroderma: Have not... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Could this be scleroderma

Hi, your symptoms would certainly fit with limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis but you need to find out which auto antibodies you carry to be sure. These auto antibodies can also help predict which symptoms or complications you might get and guide doctors on what regular monitoring they will perform.
Frustrating that there will be a delay now. I guess they might offer you phone appointment instead but you really need the blood tests. Take care in the meantime. Also, speak to your GP about a medication like Omeprazole for your reflux if you are not already on a ppi, and something for your Raynaud’s. Might help ease symptoms while you are waiting. X
Hi there, certainly your symptoms are typical of Limited SS, but there are many factors that will influence diagnosis. There is also often overlap between conditions. For example, dry eyes and mouth are typical of Sjogrens. Ideally blood tests and other investigations are required to confirm any form of diagnosis. You say that you were seen in Rheumatology a year ago so clearly you have been under investigation for some time? Have you already got a preliminary diagnosis of something?
Symptom management is important in the short term. As Sosie says a PPI like Omeprazole, Lansoprazole or similar would help with the reflux. If the Raynauds is severe then it is worth having something for that. These are al things a GP could do over the phone.
All my best
Lucy xx
Yes lt looks like scleroderma