Muscle pain. Hi I haven't posted here for a long while but I would like to ask if anyone gets chronic muscle pain when walking ? I have pain so bad in my calf muscles I can't walk anywhere , what if anything can I do ? as I am having to use a wheelchair. I have diffuse scleroderma. Any advice please
Muscle pain: Muscle pain. Hi I haven't... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Muscle pain

My husband had this caused through smoking. Bergers Disease. He was lucky caught it in time and he had operation
It's the arteries getting blocked and stopping blood flow. Get it checked out asap .
At the beginning of Systemic Sclerosis it was terrible. I could hardly walk. I couldn't sleep as every position was so painful. Finally I could only sleep on my back, it took some getting used to. My Rheumatologist who specialised in this condition had me in hospital for tests & pain management. I had nerve & muscle damage and was put on a pain management programme. Although the tablets stabilised my condition it still left my calves with terrible pain on walking. I go to Hydrotherapy & use exercises from the physiotherapist. Bit by bit it's become easier ( over 2 years on with stem cell treatment last year). I now can walk believe it or not for an hour a day! I still had the cramp in my calves & often had to stop & rest. I incorporated the exercises ( not easy! ) & now a few months on only get the cramp on hilly inclines. You will get there, take it bit by bit. See if Hydrotherapy & Physiotherapy are an option under your consultant. Be brave, it's a hard road for us all. Good luck. Xx
probiotics for one, immune doctor now. pain doctor, counseling, pt, pool pt, eat green lots of berries, have them do a ct or mri see if there is any nerve damage GABAPENTIN ask for a script now. pain meds biofreeze helps. try a heat pad. message therapy, acupuncture helps. cyclobenzaprine and narco. hope that helps hugs for a better day. also tell your family you need support. that is crucial support group in your area. social worker can help you. love julie