Hi i was diagnosed with Raynaud's and scleroderma 15 years ago, i have also had tinnitus during this time does anyone else suffer from tinnitus i am wondering if this linked to my illness
Tinitus: Hi i was diagnosed with... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Not sure whether it is connected, its very common tinnitus. I have it and have for over 10years now, no cure I'm afraid and it is very debilitating especially at night. Do you have any hearing loss with it. I wear a hearing aid which helps with the tinnitus but don't wear it at night. I have Raynauds and underactive thyroid, but never been told whether its primary or secondary. Doctor not very interested and just told me to keep my hands warm. I do this and I now notice I have it my feet too. Have a word with doctor he might say whether its connected or not. Sorry can't be more help but would be interested what they say regarding the Tinnitus, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy
do you have chiari malformation it could be an internal ear infection, other problems go get checked out immune specialist. i have platybasia and chairi so yes my ears ring all the time the room spins. lovely isn't it. probiotics and tumerick and pepper. it activates the tumerick. hope that helps julie
thank you so much for your reply you have been so very helpful, i find it all very frustrating especially now the dizzy spells are effecting my job although i have not got a very understanding manager . but thank you again your comments are very helpful