Hi, has anyone tried Epsom salts baths or foot soaks. Read online that they are good for Raynauds and almost everything else!
Epsom salts: Hi, has anyone tried Epsom... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Epsom salts

I have! I use it for my feet when they're really painful and it certainly worked for me. I'll ask bathe in it onmy really bad days, I have recommended to others too
Edson salts are drying and burn my ulcers and / or sore fingers. Use Mupirocin ointment.

Thanks beagles, I'll try anything if it works
The mupirocin is prescription. It is very soothing and heals infection.

Sorry, beaglab!
I use it.I have lavender. I don't take anything for pain.As I have liver problems and I have had a brain bleed.So drs are hesitant to give me medication unless there is no other alternative.
I use them but alternate between Epson salts and magnesium salts. I can't say they have helped the Raynaud's, but they are relaxing and warm the feet nicely.
I used to use Epsom salts but am now using Himalayan salt which is more beneficial. I buy in bulk from Epsom Salt co: much better value than chemists and supermarkets. Relieves muscle pain and raynauds. I am too weak to get in or out of a bath but have treated myself to an AquaLift so when I manage to have a soak it is heavenly.
I agree that epsom salt baths are good for everything! I never used them specifically for Raynauds. I started using them for migraines and sore muscles, but now I use them for everything on myself and my children.
Thanks to everyone for replying, worth a try and if nothing else very relaxing, I have epsom salts with lavender and eucalyptus. Not easy getting in and out of the bath these days but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it!!!