Does anyone suffer from hypotension (low blood pressure) with systemic sclerosis?
Systemic sclerosis and hypotension - Scleroderma & Ray...
Systemic sclerosis and hypotension

I have a ? Diagnosis of scleroderma because I have the antibodies in my blood. I'm continuing with the previous treatment after a very thorough series of heart, lung, and other organs show they are operating well.
I've always had hypotension - it seems to run in the family. The problem with this is that none of the meds that could help with Secondary Raynaud's are suitable. Otherwise it's considered a "good" thing to have.
Is the hypotension new for you? Could it be connected to any meds you are taking which have this as a side effect?
I always have low blood pressure when I’m in hospital they’re taking it by the minute!!!
Yes I have Scleroderma and will get hypotension and if I take painkillers it makes it worse. Scleroderma has effected the electrical activity of my heart and for me sometimes it's high. Mainly lower though
I have systemic sclerosis and have for 2 yrs. Seems my BP is always quite low. Last one 4 days ago was 99/66. Seems to be the norm for me.
Thanks ladies x x
My BP is almost always low, even after a stent was placed because of a blockage. Most times it fluctuates from about 89/55 to 95/63, rarely getting over 98/84..