Well I guess I will start with introducing myself, kinda like standing up at your first AA meeting, and no I have never been to one but have seen them loads of times on TV or the Telly depending on your country! 8) 'I am Jean and I have Scleroderma, Raynaud's, Sjogrens, Acid Reflux, Lichen Sclerosis and a host of other problems not to mention a few mental ones, which if I am honest I was always a bit crazy the condition has just given me a good excuse for it now! '
I have been suffering from the various symptoms of Scleroderma and Raynaud's for many years, they just hadn't been given a name yet. I had Raynaud's, which I noticed about three years ago, but as I am transplanted here in the UK from Las Vegas, USA, I thought it was just down to how much colder and damper it was than Vegas. I found out I had Scleroderma quite by accident at the end of 2010, I went to my GP to get a referral for what I thought was Arthritis, my hands were really tight and it was becoming difficult and painful to bend my hands. Arthritis runs in my family so I figured I am 46 I guess it was now my turn to have it. Many tests and poor pincushioned me later and I was told I had Scleroderma, Raynaud's and so on phew! And I was also told how lucky I was that it was Limited Systemic Sclerosis, and I thought 'You must be kidding right!' Lucky to have all this pain, to be so tired I can hardly move, my hands and feet turn into white and then blue lumps on the end of my limbs, yeah I was lucky. *)
I was told by my doctor to NOT look this condition up on the internet, as it would only scare me, and me being me I promptly looked it up when I got home! And yeah I am lucky at the moment I suppose, it could be much worse. But I am a recent initiate into the wonderful world of Scleroderma and Raynaud's and still dealing with all the issues and limitations I am developing, so lucky is not a word I would use.
I was recommended to go to the RSA site by my doctor, that it had good information for me and it was accurate, so I checked it out and am now a member, I have found another site that is really good as well that has many forums and people who share their experience with us newbies. I was asked to do this blog so that I could share my experience with others, and as I am new to all this hopefully I can help others through my journey into the weird and wacky world of Scleroderma and Raynaud's.