Suffering from chilblains on my feet, first time I have ever had them with Raynaud'
Chilblains : Suffering from chilblains... - Scleroderma & Ray...

You poor thing . I had them a couple of years ago and i have been more careful since to try and avoid them . I showed them to the doctor as they were black and she told me just to keep my feet warm. Thermal socks all year round , warm slippers and bed socks- thats the Christmas list sorted 🎄
They are very painful and nothing they can do. Keep feet warm and I found corn plasters helped me with the pain as mine were between and under my toes. Good luck
Painful! Try dabbing them with Friars balsam twice a day or more finishing with talcum or cornflour to stop stickiness. Grease feet with Conotrane cream once a day - or more when healed. Good luck
My daughter has had chilblains for years. We saw a new rheumatologist and she put her on plaquenil. My daughter has not had any chilblains since.
I had them last year - sudocrem helped