Has anyone been diagnosed with vestibular disease as a result of scleroderma? I just have and would like to know if anyone else has and if any medication is helping. Mine is not Menieres.
Vestibular disease: Has anyone been... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Vestibular disease
I have autoimmune ear disease manifesting as endolymphatic hydrops, aka Meniere's.
I was diagnosed with systemic sclerosis about 6 years ago, ear has been affected for about 3 years with the MD happening in january this year. Medication mainly to address the MD and gut probs. Not fun, had to give up work.
My MD meds reduce the swelling and fluid build up in the inner ear and work well in conjunction with diet and careful living.
I have Menieres and take betahistine which doesn't seem to help much in my case..
.but I've heard good reports so its worth a try. I've had Menieres and Scleroderma for about 20 years. I asked my consultant if I might have autoimmune ear disease instead of Menieres and he said that the treatment was the same in both cases. Take care.
Thank you very much Sylvana for your advice. Also dojurol's. handy to hear other's advice and experiences. Many thanks indeed.