has any body been to one of these and could tell me what happens....I am new to all this..got my ct scan on 13th june and this review 18th july....its quiet daunting all these appointments you have to have when you are first diagnosed....so glad I have this sight to help...xxx
multidisciplinary rheumatology team r... - Scleroderma & Ray...
multidisciplinary rheumatology team review

Hi Sandycharlie,
I've been to a review for myself to determine my Ehlers Danlos Hypermobility. Basically what happened was I had been referred to Osteopathy/Trauma to look at my joints, I was then seen by Rheumatology to look at my circulation & test for Gout/Arthritis, I was also seen by Musculoskeletal & Occupational Therapy. My review involved meeting with members from each department in one room to discuss the collected feedback from all of them to help determine what they had ruled out & narrow things down to a confirmed diagnosis (Largely them saying that my bloodtests had shown this but not that, my MRI had shown this, my x-rays had shown that...). I was told to allow an hour but was there for 40mins. They may also discuss at the review suggested further treatments such as physiotherapy/hydrotherapy/cognitive behaviour therapy...Xx
thanks for your reply.....sounds like it can be helpful as I have questions to ask....thanks xx
Not yet. Going to a CTD Clinic on 20th by then I'll have had 13 hospital appts since January. Somes its just 3-4/year but I lost a lot of weight + had problems with my glands and nose bleeds. Hence the number of appts in six months. I'm assuming this CTD Clinic is to discuss/review all the resuls. Have a heart scan on Monday, buT nothing to worry me there as I've had so many since I was first diagnosed with scleroderma, PBC + Fibromyalgia. Had an endoscopy last Thursday to test for Celiac Disease as this hasn't shown up in any of the million (slight exaggeration there) of blood tests they done over the years. Hope some of this eases your fears! I was the world's biggest coward but not now.
thanks....had bloods done last week an chest x-ray....got ct scan next week....have to have heart echo and lung function test but not had date for those yet....must say I neva had problem with blood tests as veins always been good but they had trouble with the one arm...don't know if connected to scleroderma....xxx
If you have been referred to a specialist centre like the one at the Royal Free Hospital in London, you may have tests such as lung function, ECG, thermography etc. All these tests help to build up a picture for the rheumatologist to see what is going on. They are non invasive tests and can certainly be worthwhile. having a lung function test doesn't mean that you have any lung problems but if you did have and they are picked up early then it can help outcome so do not be concerned - just go along with the tests and wait until you get the results. Details of tests and treatments are on the RSA website raynauds.org.uk