anyone successfully treated Raynauds with the use of Fluoxetine?
Fluoxetine: anyone successfully treated... - Scleroderma & Ray...

Sorry cvdd1983 not tried that one.
Hiya ! did you ask this on the raynauds and scleroderma association fb page ? if so - hiya and nice to see you here ! If not, check the fb page out as well !
Hopefully you will get some helpful answers, though, personally, as I put on fb page - I have been offered it but didnt like the idea of being on a ssri and the stuff that comes along with that - side effects not very pleasant ! so I had a go with Viagra and after 2 decided I wasnt trying that again as it gave me a migraine strength headache as well as nose bleeds !
i would be very interested to hear how you get on with fluoxetine if you choose to try it !
Keep warm, Living the dream x
yes i found this through the facebook page. I am already taking Fluoxetine for depression as it rarely causes side effects, i just had a very dry mouth for the first couple of weeks and needed to drink water during the night, however the side effects wear off very quickly, i am looking to increase the dosage to see if i can kill two birds with one stone! will keep updating.x
Yes i did try it, but i didnt find it helped. Helped more with my low mood to be honest, but you probably know that its also Prozac!

thank you for your comment
I have just been given this.ordered from the chemist yesterday but I am very scared not sure if I'm going to take it. Does it really help
read the reply above. what are you starting off with a 20mg dose and then increasing? as far as im aware you need to take 60mg a day for Raynauds? let me know if you know any different. i found i had a dry mouth and needed to intake water during the night but that didnt last for long, few people find they have side effects with Fluoxetine. i'm favouring trying this option rather than taking Nifedipine
Hiya Im really pleased that you have found it works for you. I have scleroderma and so have a constant dry mouth regardless of any extra medication to help with that ! When I was first diagnosed 16 years ago, I was a medical rep for Bristol Myers Squibb and had a SSRI as part of my portfolio - a competitor to fluoextine, and although I do not want to alarm you (far from it) please check out some of the data on it.
Of course, if it works for you - happy days ! Personally, I didnt want to add an extra potent drug into my system as I was on powerful immunosuppressants for my scleroderma and I really believe that the body can restore itself to well being with the use of pharmaceuticals, but also with making lifestyle adaptations and dare I say it - rest, relaxation and mindulness / meditation ! as well as I am a huge fan of which is free and has really helped me with some of my more challenging moments of trying to pick my mood up to a level that it is going to make me 'feel good' whilst coping with the body challenges which accompany the diagnosis ! 'I want to feel good' is my mantra for this year and beyond, and so if it makes me feel good - I am up for it, if not, Im not doing it haha !
Thanks for sharing how you are getting on with it, and please continue to do so. Wishing you a happy sunday - feeling good x
Hi buryboy - I am sure your Dr prescribed it for you with good intentions, hoping that it would help you.
Have you had a look at the information available on the raynauds and scleroderma association's website ? there is some great information on there which may help you with your thinking of making an informed choice as to whether you want to start it.
It takes a few weeks to get in the system so it is not a quick fix solution. As well as some people have reported severe withdrawl symptoms when they reduced the dose or stopped taking it.
Also - you could go and see another GP in your surgery for a second opinion if you feel so uneasy about it ?
I hope this helps, and I certainly do NOT want to be a scaremonger, and do not hold myself out as a qualified medic - I am just a well being activisit ! Happy sunday to you x
I have been on it for years. I was first prescribed it for depression, but then was told to stay on it as it will help the circulation. To be honest, I try everything going! Don't know if that's a good move or not, but I trust the medical profession.
I started taking it a couple of weeks ago but haven't noticed any improvement as yet to either my depression or Raynauds. Haven't had any noticable side effects either so far, so I suppose that's a good thing as I was quite worried after reading the information leaflet included with the tablets. I probably need to give it longer and a higher dose as have only started on 20mg, but will see how it goes. I've resisted taking any medication for many years but it's got to the point where my quality of life is being affected too much by the symptoms of Raynauds and depression so have decided to take action and see if I can find something that will help me more than the natural remedies do. As you say I'm hoping this will kill two birds with one stone so I consider it worth a try. Take care x
I think we are both in the same boat, give it a chance, ive been taking 20mg for almost 2 months now and im starting to feel better with regards to the depression but within the next couple of weeks looks like i will be going up to 40mg so we will see! My doctor agrees with me that if the Fluoxetine works its a better choice rather than also giving me Nifedipine. Let me know how you get on Rach18, but it will take time x
I have not taken Fluoxetene but as far as I am concerned, I will try anything to make me feel better in body, mind and spirit. I am sure your doctor can be trusted and is anxious to help you feel better. Give it a try, see how it works and report your findings to your doctor. Some of the medications do cause dryness of the mouth but you have to balance that with the benefits obtained. "Nothing tried, nothing gained". Good luck!
Hi cvdd1983,
Yes I take 20 mg of fluoxetene in the winter months and have done for many years, as prescribed by the Royal Free. No blue fingers with fluoxetene for me.