I’m in my mid-30s and have been on lithium and atypical-antipsychotics for the past 10 years. Two years ago a mental health clinic added zoplicone to the mix - so I’ve been taking 3.75mg (on a good night) to 15mg (when things are scary) every night.
I’m back at the clinic now and the nurses and psychiatrist have written up zoplicone again, despite me wanting an alternative.
Is it ethical for them to allow me to keep taking zoplicone??? I really want to come off it as it’s only meant to be taken for two weeks.
The synthetic alternative is Stilnox, but that’s just about can of worms I don’t want to open.
Is it possible to keep taking zoplicone forever?
I feel like my life has been robbed of any interest or happiness since taking zoplicone. Without it, however, I feel sedated but not asleep