Having trouble with sleep for years, swollen lymph glands just recent, dry eyes for years. Dry nose as well.
I have sjogrens and hashimotos, does ... - The Australian Sj...
I have sjogrens and hashimotos, does any one here suffer from swollen lymph glands, and fatigue.

Hi there, i have sjogrens disease also. My glands are always swollen and sometime they swell to golf balls, i know how your'e feeling. The same goes with the dry eyes, nose and sleep petterns. For dry eyes i use a preservative free gel eye drops, usually at night because they are really thick and you can't see properly for about 10mins. Sometimes you can have dry nose if you use Nasonex which a prescrption nose spray from the doctor, which some may prescribe for sjogrens. Im not sure if your using this, but it dries out the nasal membranes. I would suggest seeking a qualtiy Chinese Medicine Doctor. I react to every type of western medication, but chinese medicine has relieved 80% of my symptoms, in just one day. They will more then likely do acupuncture, but it helps you sleep and tries to restore sleeping patterns, Try to drink to atleast 1L water a day, minimum as this will help with dryness.
I hope this helps.
I do too. My throat has been swollen since October 2011 and infected, I don't know if this is the cause of a niggling fever I also have since at least then.
Dry eyes, nose and lips. My lips are not only dry no matter what I do to them, I have recently been getting wounds the the superior and inferior lips meet and find painful to open my mouth when I am eating.
Fatigue is really chronic, on top of the pain almost everywhere of my body-any part I use for a while-keeps me as an absolute disabled person-which is quite deppresing when I'm only 35. I've got all this in a matter of a year after a car accident and it's incredible how agressively all this deseases are developing in my organism.
I am abit concerned because now I am getting pain in the area around my right heap and hurts me when I walk, which I don't do much due to the other circunstances, but this is a bit scary. I don't know if it is the bone, or a muscle, joint-no idea but I defenitely use it when I walk and just.
I read for the fatigue caused by sjogren's the specialist prescibes something that may help. Do you know what? I honestly can't imagine what can do that trick at least without causing some very serious side effects. Do you know anything about this?
I am abit new to sjogren's, I have only been diagnosed a couple of weeks ago and won't see the reumatoligist until the end of May. I have been fighting hashimoto for about year and ahalf though - also a chronic trapezium myalgia and in the lower back due to this van driver who drove into the back of my car at no less than 30 miles an hour. get furious when I think about it.
First of all I was diagnosed a year ago after i had, bone marrow biopsy, a liver biopsy, gastroscopy, colonoscopy, ct scans of abdomen, and lots of blood test. It all started when my normal blood check come up with anemia, my platelets had dropped, and my wbc was low. As time when on the bloods went up and down. I was perfectly well, but had terrible insomnia and restless legs. I was walking 6ks every couple of days, then joined the gym and was doing 3 classes a week and felt really well. I had told them how my son had high titers for lupus and fibromyalgia. They would not listen when i asked if it could be some thing similar as I already had the thyroid problem for 15 years. With no problems. The only thing I noticed was my hair was getting thinner. Which they put down to stress full event in my life. Few years go on, and i asked could I see my sons rhemetologist. So I got the appointment, he went through my whole family history. Sent me for blood tests every couple of months all okay. I have had the dry eyes for years so I mentioned that. Several blood tests later sjrogrens positive ro showed up. I have a bit of osteo arthritis in my hands , no big deal. I do yoga once a week so that keeps me fairly flexible. Nothing really to complain about. Then I get a few swollen lymph glands and they sent me for a neck CT, couple swollen, they were not worried so I have to go back and have a repeat test in June. As we with sjrogrens have higher incidence of lymphoma.. So I am feeling a bit achy and a bit buggered. But i keep up with the gym and work 4 days a week. Now I notice a swollen area on my temple right side. Go to doctor today they are not concerned. Have to have blood test. No pain just slight swelling. One doctors says shingles?? which I doubt. And thats about where I am up to. I am 58 and I consider my self fit. But have off days. I always feel better after exercise not worse. This is my story has any one had similar. The first lot of doctors were looking for lymphoma or some blood disorder, they never considered auto immune problem. Even though it is in my family. Now I wonder whats going on as I only have the dry eyes, swollen glands, and achy fingers. And wondering is it going to get worse from here, or are they all wrong??
I was interested in your suggestion to find a quality natural Chinese medicine doctor. I would like to do this but how can I find one that I can trust. Any recommendations for Sydney?
I live in country victoria, I am not sure about sydney, you would have to find someone who has been that gives a good reccomendation. Goodluck
I have Hashemoto's (auto immune under active thyroid) and ME-CFS and secondary SS.
There are many glands in the body, which ones do you refer to? I have swollen glands in neck. When i get an infection things get worse as i have problems with chronic lingual tonsillitis. My lingual tonsil gets infected. ( I don't have palletine tonsils they were removed ). Sometimes swollen glands means -
your immune system is fighting something which is a good sign. But i don't have an immune system according to bloods. It takes me 12 + weeks to fight an infection. The tonsil at back of tongue is rubbing on my tongue which due to dryness is a mess. The tonsil is like a golf ball in my throat add to that dryness i have no fluid in my ears. Nose gets sores
Vaseline on lips individual eye drops ear pain Now my ears wont pop !? I can massage my saliva glands they are sore Am thinking of having back tooth out As it has a band on it which means I cannot chew gum.
I use biotene products. Sip water all day. Drink herbal tea luke warm. Diet Lemonade with mostly water as my special drink. I have reflux sometimes
Skin is dry. (It was oily) scalp dry hair loss
Sleep problems- using melatonin at moment
Am on tramadol which is a bit drying Am under pain to start exercises with physio that i can do at home seeing what makes pain better and worse 2 days a week Then cutting back tramadol
Am off antihistamines Antibiotics
Walk 1 day a week around park Or at shopping centre 1 lap or 2
Lift light weights and one day i will do something cardio eg step dvd warm up without
I have soup most of the time.
Fatigue is really bad is better when i sleep pain is
I use coconut oil on my arms as they are dry. And sensitive. But i put this in my mouth on my gums. Then add water from cooled jug. Swish and spit.
I have added a few answers to questions i saw elsewhere.
My blurred vision is annoyingly embarrassing.
I noticed ear drops helps keeps nose moist
B/12 injections help energy
Am sick of sore throat all the time
Next appointment is to discuss cortisone use
Coping - the grief is a cycle. -accept adapt grieve
I always have something to look forward to. Getting me through the bad days. I attend bible study to use my brain when i can. It's hard to do anything in the morning.
I have 3 poodles. Which make me happy.
Oh fess spray just saline but have nasonex
Naturopath Nose spray natural And throat spray
Biotene throat spray and bottle of water in bag at all times