Hi., I would love some tips on how to minimise coughing due to dry throat
Sjoegrens journey: Hi., I would love... - The Australian Sj...
Sjoegrens journey

I find Xylimelts adhesive lozenges excellent, especially at night, from myoralcare.com.au
Amazingly keeping your sinuses flowing minimizes coughs. A simple saline spray without any medication used a couple of times in the morning, evening and any time your throat feels dry helps me and others. spray until you feel it at the back of your throat. You can keep the saline from getting contaminated if you pull out the spray nozzle while you are still inhaling. It prevents mucus backing up into the bottle.Also, humidity is crucial so that when you breath through your mouth you are breathing moist air. We have our household humidity around 50% in cold months and minimize use of our air conditioner when we can. Watch the moisture condensation on your windows and try for a spot where there is only condensation/ice on very cold days. I also run a diffuser at night in the bedroom.
And there's the age old remedy of hot lemon and honey. Other teas may help as well as sipping water when you can.
I find chewing half a stick of no-mint gum helps me greatly - just keeping saliva going down is a blessing. And Xylimelts at night are a boon. Anything mint flavoured, like toothpaste or sweets seem to irritate my airways. When the humidity drops, I sleep with my trusty vaporizer on.

Thanks Salsal
For dry throat and chronic cough, here was my experience for relief.
For many years I had a chronic cough that pulmonologists, throat specialists; rheumatologist; allergists; or ears, nose and throat specialists could not determine a solution to help me until one day a doctor asked me to try Cevimeline. Although I was unable to follow the 3 day dosage because my stomach could not tolerate the strength my doctor explained that I could take 1 capsule and take half of the meds in the morning with water or drink preference or sprinkle half in my food and eat it and the other half at night. It worked. My chronic cough stopped. No more cough attacks.
Problem was when my esophagus got dry it created a terrible chronic cough even when I spelled perfumes and went from one room to a different room depending on the temperature.
Ask your doctor about Cevimeline and research the side effects. It created more sweating while I am already experiencing menopause but I’ll take the hot flashes over the chronic cough. Hope you get relief.
I find sucking on sugar free mints like Eclipse helps me. Keeps the saliva going and also drinking water, sips occasionally.