Hi everyone and happy new year.
Can sjogrens cause chronic back pain. Have been struggling with back pain for a number of years now. Would like to know if sjogrens is the cause. Thanks
Hi everyone and happy new year.
Can sjogrens cause chronic back pain. Have been struggling with back pain for a number of years now. Would like to know if sjogrens is the cause. Thanks
Yes! I'm having back pain as I'm writing this reply. I think it is nerve pain. It feels similar to when I had the shingles. I take Alleve (naproxen) for it. It relieves the pain somewhat. If I got a shot of cortisone it would probably feel better, but my rheumy is reluctant to start with steroids. Right now I take plaquenil (hydroxyquinolone, cevemiline for dry mouth, alleve for muscle pain, and high dose vitamin D.
Hi thanks for replying. Is your back pain the result of sjogrens. I'm not sure which came first. I was only diagnosed with sjogrens last year but have had back pain for six years Thanks
My guess is that you probably have a pinched nerve, tight muscle or imbalanced musculature. I had chronic & acute low back/sciatic and hip pain. I alleviated it with yoga and chiropractic. A good physical therapist can also help. I recently started with one. US Medicare pays for it now. Now they say I have degeneration and osteopenia in that hip. I wouldn't be surprised if the SS contributed but more likely it was something mechanical like carrying two babies on that hip with no instruction about avoiding this long-term result. New PT says that all women should get physical therapy after child birth!
Hi - I've had Sjögren's for over 40 years and would say that my back pain and weakness has progressed over the years and I certainly don't put it all down to the aging process. Sometimes I feel like my back is literally broken - quite frightening and debilitating - and then within hours it's back to what passes as normal! Very painful and unpredictable.
I just read an article about pain related to Sjogren's. Back pain wasn't mentioned a lot, mostly extremity joints. But the spine is a lot of joints. I would try some yoga and a chiropractor. They helped me a lot when I had back pain 10 years ago. I was able to get off of heavy pain medications after conventional medicine, injections and physical therapy failed to work.