last year my eyes have become much dryer and I no longer feel comfortable in my own body. Use the warm compresses and Hylo Forte drops but by night time my eyes are red and sore. Any suggestions, my optomologist doesn't feel there's a problem but he's not living with it.
very dry eyes: last year my eyes have... - The Australian Sj...
very dry eyes

I always find early autumn to be one of the worst times of the year for dry eye due to the sun still being close-ish and the lower trajectory of the light invading the pupils more. It's important before applying eyedrops to clear the eye of sleepies which like to accumulate in the corners and at the bottom of the lower lid. Wrap-around sunnies create a moisture chamber and protect the eyes from light/wind. Even these back-lit screens can aggravate it. Eyedrops before bed, and sleep-mask to keep moisture around the eyes during sleep, then in morning clear the eyes of sleepies (I usually have to do this once, wait 5-10min, clear them again) and then apply eyedrops. To stay ahead of the game you may need to apply them every half hour to hour initially. You know how far behind the game you are by how much (if any) burning you get right after applying the eyedrops - if none then you're ahead of the game, and won't need to apply them as often. Things should improve a bit for the eyes when the sun's not so close and there's more rain around.
Hi grahamb, the wrap-around sunnies sounds a good idea for me as some days when going out my eyes are especially irritated. I know air conditioning is a problem as well but its difficult to get away from that in the shops so use the drops whenever my eyes feel dry. a few people have suggested the sleep-mask so shall certainly try that as well. Thanks for your input.
You can try overnight gel - they're much longer lasting than artificial tears although they are like vaseline (most contain a form of parafin) so vision is impaired. You may also find an eye mask helps retain the gel.
I don't know the Australian eye gel brands but the active ingredients are generally:
Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC),
CarboxyMethylcellulose (CMC)
hyaluronic acid
carbomer 940 (polyacrylic acid)
As with eye drops, finding comfortable gel is trial and error.
I can recommend VitaPos, Liposec, and the CMC based gels. is a site you might find useful for info on tears/gels.
Hi cassie , i use hylo - forte several times a day and ive started using Artelac nighttime gel about as well about 12 weeks ago which has made a difference. Do you take any other medication as certain ones can also cause dryness . Best wishes xx
Hi weathervane, Am careful about other medication causing drying but of course sometimes you don't know. Am using a gel at night but it seems have had a flare up with the sjogrens and my inflammation factor has increased which could very well be the main cause. So off to the drs to bring it down. thanks for your comments.
I have treatments improve my dry eyes first I sit with a stream goggles on and then manual expression of the glands
This isn’t where I go but it’s the same thing
My problem is sjorgins too. But it was explained to me that because the sjorgins drys out the glands they can become blocked.
I have seen an ophthalmologist who said my eyes were extremely dry and badly affected by sjorgins. He was the one who recommended I go for the stream Treatnent.
Hi, that's very interesting. Shall see my ophthalmologist and he may be able to recommend someone. Until then shall keep up the hot compresses as they seem to help but as you know, the whole issue can be a daily struggle. Thanks.
Hi Cassiecat
There are OTC eye gels that coat the eyes well. I have used them at night but I had problems with blurry vision all day long so I use Refresh drops in individual vials. They are preservative free and last three days per vial once opened. I always use allergy drops when going outdoors plus on occasion. indoors as needed. They are called Bausch & Lomb Alaway OTC. Hope this was helpful.
Best wishes🌸