Anyone else have ear pain, ringing and hearing loss? My left ear hurts all the time. The pain is sharp and often severe. I have high range hearing loss and the ringing can be very, very loud. If someone is behind me theirvspeech sounds garbled. Hearing on the phone has become challenging. It's also impacted my balance. I researched it here in the US but there seems to be no treatment and going deaf is very likely. Every time I think this disease has finished with the weird symptoms something appears. Curious if there is any treatment outside the US?
Sjogren's ab-nd Ear Oain: Anyone else... - The Australian Sj...
Sjogren's ab-nd Ear Oain

Clearly too tired to type. It's Ear Pain. Sigh!
Don't know if this will help. I recently had my ears tested for high ringing (tinnitus) as there are 4 reasons that this can happen. Had a hearing test with some tones reduced. Mobile phones make my ears ache if I am on them too long to do with higher frequencies. I am in New Zealand and also have a landline which is ok with no aching in my ears. When I have attended SS seminars at our Auckland hospital I have heard of other SS people having grometts fitted in their ears to relieve pressure. They do work their way out sometimes I believe and have to be replaced. You may be able to question some of these ideas for yourself. Good luck
I have had constant high pitched tinnitus for a year or so now. I sometimes can't hear well but other times hear too much. The oral consultant and audiologist think it's probably arthritis in my jaw but I haven't had x-rays to confirm. I have a very widespread small fibre neuropathy so it may well relate to this I think. My profoundly deaf sisters sent me this link this morning:
I get tinnitus, I can hear it fizzing now at 5pm but it's really noticeable at night that I have to put headphones & music on. It comes & goes
Mine is constant high whine - I notice it all the time if I want to, but try hard to ignore it!