Hi, I am looking for a rheumatologist in Brisbane with Sjogren's experience. I was diagnosed ten years ago with Sjogrens and I am noticing that my symptoms are worsening and my eye specialist has recommended that I need to get to a rheumatologist quickly. Can anyone recommend a good one? I live on the north side of Brisbane and happy to travel as far as the Sunshine Coast or the south side of Brisbane for the right doctor.
Brisbane Rheumatologist recommendations? - The Australian Sj...
Brisbane Rheumatologist recommendations?

I HAVE been to a rheumatologist in Ipswich. Dr. Careless. Don't worry about his name, he is very thorough
I live on Brisbane Northside and have Sjögrens . I noticed Sjögrens Australia posted an Immunologist at Greenslopes. I think my Rheumatologist has closed her books. I had good eye treatment a few years back from QUT and Milton.
I am north brisbane too can I ask who your rheumatologist is even if her books are closed? Are you specifically happy with her Sjogren's knowledge?
I will look up Sjogrens Australia to see if I can find the reference to the Greenslopes immunologist.
I initially went to Joan Shaw Endocrinologist at Prince Charles Private Practice. Worth the money you pay. Then she referred me to Heather Wisbey. I think both are closed books unless you are a very interesting case. Unfortunately I have not had heavy treatment to give you an appraisal. I get regular breathing tests and an echo cardio gramma well as blood tests. I test positive to Scleroderma but what I have got is Sjögrens.
The immunologist mentioned is Dr Heyworth Smith out of Greenslopes Private.
. I joined Scleroderma Association of Qld. Email. sclero@pacific.net .au. Phone 07 3277 3460 . They include Sjögrens. They have Rheumatologist Patrons. They meet at Carindale. Maybe you could ring the Arthritis Foundation. They have a call line. They line up Health Professionals for their seminars. I have friends being treated for Rheumatoid etc and there does not seem to be a magic wand anywhere. There is a shortage of Rheumatologists...that I know. My dental is a nightmare. The trays and Tooth Mousse Plus are helping. I use Medi - honey for eyes. I have been to Mediwell doctors at Cooperoo.
What exactly are you asking for? Dr Careless has a good reputation. I think it is September Auto immune out of John Hunter Newcastle visit Brisbane.
Have you tried googling Julie Albietz dry eye clinic. I found the May 2016 conference section on dry eyes interesting. Can't remember if I put in Brisbane.
I will look it up. Thanks. She is great. Using the honey drops she gives me are really helpful. I found her by looking into the IPL treatments that I read about on this forum and she can do them. Unfortunately she determined it wouldn't help me but she has been able to help me a lot.
I came in before the drops but have tried them. I use the tube honey after I go to bed and after I use a double dose of single use gel. I put a dab on end of my little finger and rub it into the eyeline and keep my eyes shut.
When I went on the internet I found ..National Institute Dental and Craniofacial Research..nidcr.nih.gov. Also found the Sjögrens Syndrome Foundation. They sent me a lovely letter with lots of links. I get the Scleroderma News Weekly Digest turn up in my emails from America. ,If you go looking in Scleroderma Australia you can pick up on the Qld branch.
At the moment I am using Oral 7 Mouth Wash. I get Xyliimints from the dentist with a Wickham Terrace address. You can get a sample of Xylimelts for $5 from Orien Dental suppliers. I just googled "buy Xylimelts Australia"!
I googled and found an Accupuncturist at Northlakes for dry mouth and a compounding chemist out Sherwood Way.!!!
I would be interested in this too as I also live north side of Brisbane and suspect Sjogrens, as well as possibly other conditions. Am waiting to get a first appointment at the Charles hospital via public system but I have low expectations lol!
Were you originally diagnosed by a Rheumatologist?
Good luck finding a good one. I hope you can get in quickly.
We have been very happy with The Prince Charles and the doctors. Only forseeable problem is Parking!!
Thank you, that's reassuring. 3 weeks after referral I haven't even been classified by the hospital out patients coordinator, and there is at least a 2 month wait, but that could be worse!
Am thinking of seeing another GP Brisbane northside for second opinion, as my own Dr only did ANA and Dsdna and didn't take much history for the referral. She said it may be lupus or scleroderma. However after I left I read about both conditions, and now I realise all these niggles, aches and pains, skin and multiple dryness issues may ALL be related! Who knew! Just goes to show how important it is for doctors to ask the right questions. Unfortunately in my experience they haven't and I have assumed my body is separately falling apart haha!
Any recommendations for a very good GP? I have written a lot of my history down now based on my reading to take with me...whether they like it or NOT.
I am probably not able to give much help. Do you need to be bulk billed? Can you tell me how far you are away from Prince Charles? I used to get frequent eye infections and had heat rash and dry skin and used to fall asleep during the day. That doctor was very good but has long since retired. I started on Thyoid Medication. A doctor at Lillian Cooper referred me to the Endocrinologist who referred me to the Rheumatologist.
Hi Space99Thanks for that. I live Albany Creek area and it doesnt bother me to pay or not. I just want a good primary care general practitioner with lupus experience to help me navigate the system. If you dont know any that is absolutely fine...they are hard to find 😉
Tip - My husband dropped me off at the Prince Charles a couple of times then went to the Bowls Club till I was ready to be picked up.
Sometimes I park up Wallace St end and walk through past accident and emergency and through back of Private Practice. The steep hill at front is a bit daunting. I can never figure the "permitted" area down the back and thus am not game to park in the grounds. The Parking station is not as expensive as some of the others. There is an infrequent bus that does go into the grounds..? 354. Bowls club sounds the best!!!
Hi space99
Yes! But I probably can't until after 4 Oct as we are away for the school hols. I am free weds and fri most weeks, otherwise weekends. I don't think I'll be much good for evenings as I am getting acquainted with a new couple of friends named 'fatigue' and 'headache' lol!
Want to meet for coffee on the 8th March...a Wednesday...in the City probably.
If i lived in Brisbane would have enjoed doing that
9.30 Museum cafe South Brisbane. My name is Helen and I will be the biggest the there ! Let me know if you are interested.