While medications are a second line of therapy for urinary incontinence and behavioral changes & physical therapy are a first line, and there is a host of medications on the market around the world for overactive bladder syndrome (OAB) and urgency incontinence. But, right now there is really nothing in the way of a medication for stress urinary incontinence. But that may change in the near future! GTx is having good success in clinical trials with their drug called enobosarm. While clinical trials need to be completed yet, and they are still recruiting for their studies, it appears so far to be quite effective. This may bring something new onto the market for women with SUI who have not responded to PT or behavioral modifications, and who do not wish to try bulking agents or surgery. At this point, I do not know if they plan to study this medication with men who have SUI.
If you live near Jackson, Tennessee, you might wish to be a part of the study on enobosarm. But there are many other studies going on around the world right now for different types of incontinence.
If you are interested in participating in a clinical study (this is not limited to the USA), use this link to find one near you and for your type of incontinence. You can find the enobosarm clinical study here as well. antidote.me/
If you are interested in learning more about enobosarm and the recent clinical results, click on this link: