What has been the most frustrating about being diagnosed with endometrial cancer or uterine sarcoma?
Please share your experiences and interact in the comments below.
What has been the most frustrating about being diagnosed with endometrial cancer or uterine sarcoma?
Please share your experiences and interact in the comments below.
Learning to be persistent when seeking complete and timely information from my health care team.
I couldn't agree with you more. So often, we blindly accept the advice of physicians assuming they are always right. Sadly, some of us have experienced less than the best support/follow up from our treatment teams, and feel we can't get our questions answered.
I believe we need to be our own advocates and be persistent in dealing with our physicians and other team members.
Going through chemo and radiation is difficult enough without wondering if and when we will get the information we need. We need to keep asking questions until we get the answers we need.
The most frustrating thing about being diagnosed with endometrial cancer is being unable to engage in activities you love due to treatment side effects.
Side effects from treatment was really frustrating for me; I was given any information on possible side effect to look out for.
The fact that it is rare and that's about it... I have prayed and accepted it and live in the present!