Anyone with high grade serous endometrial cancer?
Terminal cancer : Anyone with high... - SHARE Uterine Can...
Terminal cancer
I was grade 3 serous carcinoma however I was stage 1
I’m high grade serous as well! Let’s fight for our lives, and live the best life we possibly can! May God heal and strengthen you!
Did you get treatment? I decided against it due to age and social isolation and am struggling alone with my precious cat. Hospice is my local family. I am not coping well at all. I am also grieving for the sudden loss of my fiancé last year. But God is good and it’s not my time yet.Blessings to you for reaching out. You are the only true match I’ve heard from. I truly appreciate the contact.
I am so sorry that you lost your fiancé last year and that you are now having to deal with serous endometrial cancer. SHARE is having a Uterine Cancer Support Group on Zoom this Monday, March 1 at 6 pm est. There are a few women in the group who are also diagnosed with high grade serous. I find the group very helpful and encouraging. Please join us as I would personally love to encourage and empower you on this journey. Please know that you are not alone!
I did have treatment: surgery, chemo, and radiation. It was difficult, and I’m fighting for my life daily. I’m in constant warrior mode, determined to live the best life that I can.
Here’s the SHARE website:
I hope to see you at the support group, but in any event please let’s stay in touch! I’m so glad your cat is with you! You are in my thoughts and prayers!
My phone won’t do zoom as it won’t unmute for me to participate. Apple was unable to help me. I can see and hear the meeting though. Or maybe I can call in? Not at all a tech person. Just woke up from 20 hours sleep and think I am fading. Can’t stay awake and scared. Thinking about all the things Jack and I didn’t get to do. Having a major meltdown right now and no where to go. I appreciate your support.
Before my diagnosis, my life plan was to live past 96 - which is the age my great-grandmother lived to. My life plan now is to live at least to 96.
I am fighting with everything I've got. I research and read. I question my physicians, nurses, nutritionists, etc. until I understand. I attend as many groups and on-line fitness classes I can fit in between treatments. I also take advantage of all lifestyle and other services offered by my cancer center (INOVA Schar). I changed my eating habits and improved my body mass index. I learned to say NO to everything that is not positively contributing to my recovery.
I also insisted the dog I share with other family members remain with me as I go through treatment. I am not a "dog person", and walking him in the rain is a nuisance, but he sure is a blessing to have during these long lonely day. I know your cat provides the same sort of comfort.
I am sorry for the loss of your fiancé and understand you have no hope for a replacement. Perhaps a grief therapy program can help you address those feelings.
I gave my cancer a name and dared her to conquer me. So far I am winning. And, I have faith that this journey will become less onerous to you - with the passage of time.
Yes, you can call into the Zoom support group meeting. You can also call the SHARE Uterine/Endometrial Cancer helpline anytime. The number is 844-582-6005. Please strive for wellness and let us help you on your journey! Please, make the calls and fight for your life!
Are you able to get on the website? You have to register for the support groups online. The phone number is for the helpline. Please try to call them again tomorrow.
sharecancersupport. org
I was looking for you in the group tonight and so sorry to learn that you wanted to join but couldn’t get the link.
I am praying for you! May God heal and strengthen you and give you peace.
I sent a nice long response that disappeared. However, I am registered for the next March mtg provided that I am awake for it. It’s been impossible to remain awake.
The issue is that I have yet to see anyone who is terminal and I have only a few months left as per hospice. I can’t even walk now without a walker, too weak and unstable. I am hoping Nefa-Tari can check a master list for me. It would be such a blessing to have a buddy in my situation who is also scared.
I will let the zoom people know that I can watch the mtg and hear it but my phone won’t unmute for me. Apple tried so hard and couldn’t fix it so the best is to just observe and get what I get.
Thanks for your kindness and support. I wish I knew where my last response went to. I hate technology.
Blessings, Cats 312
Do you have the zoom phone numbers to log on to tonight mtg? Am confused and crying and can’t find right email. Need phone contact.
I am so sorry that you are having such a hard time! I don’t attend a support group on Tuesdays but you can always check the SHARE website to see the schedule of support groups being offered. The wonderful women volunteering on the SHARE helpline are also available for you. I pray that the God of peace will be with you always. Phil. 4:4-9.
Thanks for letting me know that you have registered for the next support group meeting! I believe that you will be blessed to be in community with other women diagnosed with endometrial cancer.
I am glad that you have been in contact with Nefa-Tari who is very kind, warm, and caring. She is a very knowledgeable advocate for women diagnosed with endometrial cancer, and I’m sure she will do her best to help you.
You are always in my thoughts and prayers and I look forward to seeing you at the next meeting. May God bless you richly!
Nefa-Tari recommended the 3/23 mtg as more appropriate for me so I am signing up for that one. Hopefully I will be awake as it’s very difficult not to fall asleep. I seem to be an anomaly who has not undergone treatment but it took strength to make that decision. I think I am moving closer to heaven and have begun to be scared. I’ve called numerous agencies for support for my diagnosis but they don’t exist. If it existed I would have found it with my resource skills. There is support, but only for women in treatment. Don’t know why it’s felt we should be alone and scared because we decided against treatment. As if that was an easy decision. Have a few more calls to make and then giving up looking for peer support. I’ve got God and my support cat Monkey. May God bless you for caring.
As I mentioned before, no matter which support group, you will be encouraged and empowered. We all have a responsibility to make the best decisions we can for our health. You made the treatment decision that you felt was best for you. No one should have to go through a cancer diagnosis alone. I am so sorry that finding adequate resources is so difficult. I admire your strength and resourcefulness!
When I get scared, I read the Bible. It reminds me who God is and what Jesus did for me when He died on the cross for my sin. It helps me to remember that I am in God’s hands. I pray that you would have the peace that surpasses all understanding. God loves you! As always, I lift you up in prayer!
Can you recommend for me some scriptures to study for when I get scared and have a meltdown? It’s becoming more and more difficult to live alone knowing that it’s likely I may have limited time to live. I was diagnosed at the beginning of May and can’t believe I am still here, especially while still mourning the loss of my last love. My hospice nurse tells me to get out of my head, I’m clearly not in transition but tell myself negative things. I’m my own worst enemy.
Hospice has referred me to a counselor for anticipatory grief. I will be talking to her next week. Along with that I need God’s words to support me and know that you can direct me to what I need to read. I feel like Job and am waiting for God’s recognition of my emotional pain and unwavering faith.
Blessings to you and may God provide you with the strength to carry out your journey.
I am going to give you some scripture from The Book of Psalms which I pray will support and soothe you:
Psalms 23, 91, 103, 121, and 139. Also Psalms 34:4; 40:1-3; 46:1-2; and 56:3-4.
I’ll give you some more scriptures later!
Be blessed!
Book of Psalms is my favorite. I will slowly go through your recommendations as I am having vision problems, but I will get there. I really appreciate your kindness and support.
Here’s some more Scriptures!
Deut 31:6
Prov 3:5-6
Isaiah 35:4; 40:31; 41:10,13
Jeremiah 29:11-13
Romans 8:38-39
2 Cor 12:9-10
Phil 4:6-8,13
2 Thess 3:16
2 Tim 1:7
Heb 11:1, 13:6
1 Peter 5:6-7
May these Scriptures fill you up with peace, hope, and healing! Please know that I prayed for you this morning and will continually lift you up in prayer! May your days be richly blessed!
Yes, I have serous endometrial cancer grade 2. I had a complete hysterectomy, and now is has gone to my Lungs. I am in my second round of chemo trying to battle this disease, and I am tired to say the least. At present I am 79 years old, and I have had the cancer for about one and a half years. When I have my treatments, I am very fatigued, but I will keep up the battle for as long as I can. I know that there is no cure, and I am a bit annoyed since I had a very clean lifestyle, and I do not understand how this happened to me. Do not drink or smoke or do anything that would give me cancer. My birth family had all bad habits and have been dead from cancer or lung disease. I decided that it was not going to happen to me, but it did. I have outlived all of them by a decent amount of years, yet I still have this fluke type cancer for which there is no explanation. I have fears for my husband and daughters. I suppose that is normal to feel that way. I have accepted the fact that it is as it is. I wonder how long I will last. Common thoughts I guess.
Hi Gail, I turned 74 last Friday and had decided against treatment but we have the same story re cancer. I live alone with my cat and am under hospice care not knowing how long I have. My family surprised me for my birthday and drove to Fort Myers from Ga. for the week. I am in such pain that I couldn’t see them every day because I had to sleep. My cancer had also spread to my lungs but hospice doesn’t test once you’re with them so I don’t know where else it is. Pain feels like back labor which I had with my son in 1982. It’s been unbearable.Sounds like you have local family, wish I did but I am alone here except for my hospice family. I commend you on your courage to proceed with treatment, I had no local support to help me with COVID around and was terrified to live alone with side effects. I was told it always comes back anyway. I am also in mourning for the sudden loss of my fiancé last year and I found his body. I am grieving the loss of Jack and myself. I have a bereavement counselor.
Where do you live? I think we can support each other. Are you in pain?
Blessings, Linda
Dear Cats312,It does seem as though it is darkest before the dawn-hardly an encouraging response, but it is a truthful one. So very sorry about your fatigue, but I am also in the same situation. I just tried to contact my doctor with questions about my fatigue and lack of appetite. I am awaiting for a response to the body pains and fatigue after my treatment last Friday. Hopefully, there will be a suggestion that I can pass on to you. This is the second time that I have lost all of my hair, but I do have a selection of wigs that I can use--thank goodness ! I love the synthetic wigs the most. A simple washing and then they are ready to wear the next day. Sorry that I wasted money on a real hair wig---think that I wore it only twice and have to take it to be set. Not worth the money at all.
Hopefully there are people that can help you with your situation. I am reaching out to other organizations for information on Serous Cancer, but it is hard to get some real information since it is such a rare cancer. Will let you know what I find.
Take Care,
I have not heard from you,and I am concerned about you. We both know that our situation is not curable, but we can have a more peaceful final passing if we accept our situation with grace. I have most recently reached out to two cousins that I have not heard from for more than 50 years. Interestingly enough they were very receptive. I did not expect that reaction from them,but I was very pleased. Perhaps you could do the same with either friends or family with whom you have lost contact for whatever reason. Please let me know your outcome.Gail
Happy Easter! How are you doing today, Cats312?
Cats312, it’s been a month since we last heard from you, and we are all concerned! I’m praying for you, that you would know God’s presence, protection, and provision. You are always in my thoughts and prayers! May God bless you abundantly!