Has anyone had success taking Rubraca? I know the docs tend to start with Lynparza and Zejula. What are the side effects?
RUBRACA???: Has anyone had success... - SHARE Ovarian Can...

I’ve been taking 300 mg 2x daily for almost 3 months now. Been tolerating it pretty well. Some nausea in the morning, hot flashes in the evening and itchy dry skin, so far. My oncologist said it’s a good drug to take, especially for brca mutations.
Parp inhibitors' side effects tend to overlap between the three main drugs with some specific ones for each.
This link connects to the Rubraca leaflet and includes the possible side effects.
Good Morning Colleen, I was on Rubraca from March to July. I felt it was holding my cancer at bay but my CA125 crept up from 7 to 37 which for me is high. The first CT scan after 3 months showed no increase and no decrease. The second CT scan showed slight increase In the peritoneal area and 2 tumours in my Liver. I see my oncologist on Thursday to discuss starting Taxol very soon. I had very few side effects to be honest and I feel personally that Rubraca or Rucaparib, as we call it here, did work to a certain extent. For you it could work very well. I’m convinced It gave me the break needed to start chemo again.
All the very best Colleen
Much love from Angela xx
fatigue (including weakness),
abdominal pain,
changes in taste,
decreased appetite,
low levels of platelets in the blood (thrombocytopenia),
shortness of breath,
low levels of while blood cells (neutropenia),
skin sensitivity to sunlight, and
I take Zejula, side effects are pretty much the same. Zejula can cause others cancers .I dont know if Rubraca does or not. I was terrified to take Zejula, Waited for months thinking about it. Finally caved in due to doctor really wanting me to take it. It is 5 months now since I have been on it and so far, it has not bothered me at all, maybe tiredness , blood works is good . I guess it is true that fear is fears worse enemy. Good luck,
I was diagnosed with a recurrence in December 2019. After surgery , chemo and a second surgery for bowel resection in June, I am so far disease free. My Gyno-ONC..and I discussed PARP inhibitors . All 3 have side effects similar to those when you are on chemo infusions. If one has genetic mutation in your DNA Or in your tumor tissue or if one still has some disease, there is considerable advantage to PARP’s. Therefore the risks vs. benefit are worth it.
I don’t have any mutations , either DNA or after tumor genetic testing . After the last surgery it appears I am disease free. Therefore I decided to forgo PARP’s due to the risk of developing a blood cancer which is slim but there
I can understand why you did not go for the PARPS. If I were disease free I would do the same! Praying you remain disease free FOREVER!!!
you can find more info and side effects info from the Zejula site. All the side effects scared me and I held off taking Zejula because of that . I finally caved in, and started it in June . So far, my numbers are good, no real side effects, do feel tired all the time though. You may have a reaction and you may not . Wont know that until you are on it for awhile. I take 200mg daily. Had last chemo 11 months ago, so far all is good. Ca-125 is an 8.Good luck !