Still on recovery room since Friday for spinal cord decompression(T10-t12). I don’t know how it happened quickly I just had some serious back pain irradiated on my lower abdomen. Can’t pee, can’t poo, can’t walk. I don’t know how will be my quality of life after that, I’m depressed I need some good report to go ahead. Thanks
Recorvery from spinal cord compression - SHARE Metastatic ...
Recorvery from spinal cord compression

My prayers are with you. I'm so sorry this scary thing has happened. I am very glad you are in the hospital being cared for! Can you move your legs? How about your arms? I hope you have someone beside you frequently. Would it help to request a student to be with you? If you'd like, I'd be willing to go on the chat feature and listen. I'm a retired licensed clinical social worker. Donna
though I’m not sure if this is comparable, I had spinal stenosis surgery in March and the results were life changing. It was L3-4 so lower than your injury. Nevertheless surgery was done post haste and I could walk again without pain… that is until the iliac fractured. Regardless don’t give up hope. Your situation is in need of intervention! And I’m praying you will get it asap ! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Just wondering what the treatment is for your fractured iliac - are you able to walk now
I have bone Mets progressing on the iliac bone and could lead to a fracture - did you get treated and able to walk ok
Hopefully all is well - it’s a worry with the hip and fractures
Hi..I had posted separately regarding my iliac fracture but right now the surprising advice from the APRN was to continue light weight bearing walking and yes I could swing my golf club a# long as I limited the walking. I’m waiting to hear from the orthopedic oncologist but apparently this is not an uncommon event that sometimes heals on its own with meds like Zometa to help it. Yes it’s a worry…but I was jus5 glad it wasn’t because the cancer was rampant…🙏🙏🙏
The neurosurgeon said to me some PT at home I should be able to walk again. One day at a time
Hello-just checking in to see how you are doing. I’m learning to walk again one day at a time. Bone mets are slowly healing after my spine surgeries and radiation is also helping. Lifting you up in prayer-for strength, encouragement and endurance through this journey we’re living through!
I'm so sorry you had this happen but am relieved you had surgery asap . Continue to heal and know we are all with you , praying for your recovery . One day at a time for sure .
Sorry to hear about the pain. I fractured my back playing soccer when I was 14 - they missed it in the x-rays for 6 years and ultimately had to have two spinal fusions when I was 18 and then 21. 30 years later I was diagnosed MBC discovered only because the back pain was so bad due to bone mets. I ignored the pain as my usual back pain. At the point of diagnoses I could only lay down on my side in bed, sleeping, walking and in short living were difficult. However, the Ibrance and Letrozole worked and the bone mets are healing. I do have spinal stenosis multiple bulging discs and I did get a few compression fractures from the bone mets. Just know that there are a lot of treatments out there and I know there is a lot they can do for decompression. I'm praying for your recovering and relief from pain. Swimming helped me a lot but it took a while before I could start swimming.
thank you so much for sharing your experience and perspective. So many of us get diagnosed because of that mystery pain that has been attributed to other reasons. I’m on zometa now to help mend the bone. I had been of it for about 6 months and then the fracture hdd as opened do I hope we have a plan of action that will avoid surgery. Wishing you the best as well 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻