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The potential connection between MBC and dental health

Verbena1 profile image
15 Replies

Many of us already know about the connection between dental and overall health, but I thought this might be useful to someone.

I had been looking for this and thankfully it just popped up on my phone, so I can share it. (I think I got it from the book Healing Breast Cancer Naturally).

Hal Huggins made this connection in the dental field years ago (mercury / metals / root canals in the mouth etc) and was later ostracized by the medical community, although he was already helping many desperate people with underlying health issues that wouldn’t clear up otherwise.

An integrative doctor had told me a while back that he felt the root cause of my MBC was something that tested as weak under the gum line on my right side (same side as the mass). The tooth in that spot on the meridian chart also corresponds to the right breast, no surprise. To this day I have still not been able to remedy that due to being on hormone meds that can cause orthonecrosis if you have certain types of dental work while you’re on them. This thing has come back 2 additional times since, in various places in the body, and incidentally, always on the right side.

This past Thursday I got the best petscan results I’ve had to date, which in large part is due to the meds I’m currently on. Currently everything is either almost resolved, fully resolved or no longer detectable. For my situation, switching to allopathic after initially trying my own version of holistic was the right thing to do (and the only option I had left) although I hated every minute of having to acquiesce to something I’ve always felt so strongly against. This is certainly not a cure all for anything but I believe it’s worth looking into further -

My hope is that any part of this information will help someone else. My regret is in not completing the holistic dental work I started over a decade ago. I can’t say for sure but maybe it would have helped me to avoid the last 3 or so years of “intense learning” I had to go through!

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Verbena1 profile image
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15 Replies
Claireperth profile image

Thanks for your information on dental work and a possible link to unhealthy bodies. I have 3 tooth implants, the first one was in before I was diagnosed with BC. I have also had a few root canals and many metal fillings done (I grew up eating candy and lollies regularly)…. Now I have MBC. I can’t pull all my teeth out so I hope the information isn’t true! There’s so many things to watch out for these days! Cheers Claire

Verbena1 profile image
Verbena1 in reply to Claireperth

Hi Claireperth, I understand the urgency to want to fix this stuff if is in fact causing you problems, I deal with that too…for me it’s just wanting to be sure that I’m remedying anything that could even potentially be a contributing factor to MBC.

The best thing I’ve found to do is to first just consult with someone like a biologic / holistic DDS/ doc in the field and discuss it with them. Most are used to having these conversations and won’t make you think you’re crazy for wanting to have a chat about it.

Sometimes there’s a correlation with it to our health and sometimes not, but at the least you’d be able to have more a informed idea of tests they can do, or possible other precautions or alternatives to just having them taken out.

Rubyjude profile image

Hmm, I know there is thought to be a link between poor dental/oral heath and heart disease but this link largely disappears when other factors are taken into account, such as smoking, poor access to health care etc. BUT good oral health when immuno-supressed is really important to avoid bacterial and fungal infections that could spread to or impact on other parts of the body. In the article you posted it is suggested there is a link between metal fillings in teeth to microwaves and cell phone masts and that this may harm health. There is no consistent scientific evidence that this is the case.

Verbena1 profile image
Verbena1 in reply to Rubyjude

Hi, I’d love to see your proof that there’s no consistent scientific evidence that this is the case?

Understandably, if you seek out information that this is not accurate, you will always find allopathic doctors, DDS and funded medical studies to back up the idea and who will tell you there’s no scientific evidence. (And yet many of them are still using materials known and proven to cause issues). They’ll use biohazard containers for these dental materials while telling you they’re safe to put in your mouth, as one example.

“Follow the money” comes to mind.

There are in fact studies done (in addition to what I’ve posted here) as well as books, articles, forums, documentaries, countless personal accounts etc on the topic that lend lots of credibility to these ideas. Is that worth a look? To me it is when we’re talking about our lives.

As far as books, one that’s currently out there regarding the evidence that supports the cessation of root canals, called the Root Canal Cover up, has some excellent data on the topic.

“It’s all in Your Head” is the Hal Huggins book that goes into the metals / silver amalgams, mostly.

Even if all we had was strictly anecdotal information, and we were still seeing countless patients with much improved health after (safely) removing some of these toxic components in the body, for me it would be worth its weight in gold and certainly worth investigating. That’s essentially why I decided to post it here, we have lots of info on allopathic medicine and the good / bad it can do, but as to the more holistic side of things, we don’t get to see that as much.

Its up to each of us to decide for ourselves what we’d like to do, once we have all the info. But I believe we should all at the very least have access to all information, not only what’s funded and available.

BluHydrangea profile image

Interesting perspective. Thx for posting.

mariootsi profile image

Congratulations on your good pet scan results. That's awesome. Also, thank you for the dental information.

Verbena1 profile image
Verbena1 in reply to mariootsi

Many thanks! And you’re very welcome~

Thatflowerlady profile image

Great news on your scan results.

SusieIM profile image

thank you for your information!

Ntash01 profile image

Thanks for the info - very interesting, I’m already stage 4…. No going back from that so I’d rather keep my teeth and hair for as long as possible… difficult dilemma for me even if the evidence is proven to be true! Stupidly vain perhaps 🤷🏻‍♀️

Verbena1 profile image
Verbena1 in reply to Ntash01

Ntash, not stupidly vain at all! I completely understand; I’m also stage 4 - about 2 years ago I I was immobilized lying in hospice with a huge external tumor, a collapsed vertebrae and in 75% kidney failure. And we all thought that was the end of that~

Today I’m doing pretty damn well considering, but feel like I have lost a lot…interestingly enough, sometime what I feel most sad about is how this has changed me physically. I suppose we’re only human, right?

I know it can feel hopeless for us at times, but the last thing I’ll say is that I don’t agree that stage 4 has to mean the end, or that there’s no coming back from it. I regularly witness and participate in online forum conversations where the worst of the worst stage 4 “incurable” types who have been told it’s over and to go home and die (with time limits!), go on to defeat those odds and do the exact opposite. Many of them were told this many years ago.

I understand firsthand how scary it is to be told “this is forever”, or “you’re too advanced for that.” I believe that we have more options than we could possibly know, but it can be trying to sort through some of them to deduce what’s actually real and what’s bs. My wish for you is that you get to see what’s possible for yourself.

I get a lot of pushback from friends, family and some of my doctors, and I have made some poor decisions regarding my own health in the past, but I’ve been seeing these kind of amazing outcomes in others for years and I’m living proof that we can improve the worst case scenario.

Ntash01 profile image

Verbena….. that experience sounds (no doubt was) horrendous! I often wonder WHEN (not IF) I go through trauma how I will cope and will I live to tell the tale? thankfully those thoughts do not dominate my mind as I’m ultra busy, which definitely helps. You sound like a strong lady.

Your message has offered me much needed courage-I’m currently waiting on results of ultrasound guided biopsy of a ‘suspicious area’, MRI Monday, PCR followed by zometa infusion & Faslodex shots😱…. Obviously my mind is working overtime - I’m thinking change of treatment, mastectomy, radiation, but secretly hoping for stable Mabel.

I’m off to Paris tomorrow- making memories with my family, and now I’ve gotten the above off my chest - I feel so much better. Thank you Verbena ❤️

Verbena1 profile image
Verbena1 in reply to Ntash01

So happy it helped a bit. I know the agony of waiting for results so I hope yours are good! Have the best time in Paris, that’s amazing!

RLN-overcomer profile image

Greetings: Sister/Warrior/Holistic Advocate😊 I haven't researched titanium implants, but I will. I thought about getting a tooth implant for the one cracked down to the root tooth I had pulled 4 years ago🙁.I do have knowledge about the toxic, cancer chemical emitting fillings almost all traditional Dentist use:|. Years ago when I asked the Dentist I was going to, then if he could remove my 3 childhood mercury fillings, and replace them with the nontoxic/ non-cancer emitting fillings.🙃 He was surprised that I had researched, and knew about the unsafe fillings. I told him I would pay the difference out of pocket that my Dental plan would not cover. He told me he doesn't buy the nontoxic filling substances :| I asked him if it's because the nontoxic fillings cost more. He hesitated, and then said yes.🙁. There are so many contributing factors to cancer diagnosis/prognosis, but I will do my part to stay cancer free, and depend on GOD to do the rest Amen🙏😇 I am happy you are doing well, and I hope/pray you will be fully healed🙏😇. Thank you for the information from a holistic view point my Sister/Warrior/Advocate who is fighting to eradicate this disease.😇👍

Verbena1 profile image
Verbena1 in reply to RLN-overcomer

Amen! Well said and totally welcome. I’m always wondering if I should post this kind of info here, as oftentimes we tend to lean toward allopathic information here, and understandably for anyone newer to these ideas, it can come across as nonsensical. But I always end up putting that aside in favor of the idea that if it helps anyone at all, then it’s worth mentioning.

You did your research too, and when you do your research it can be a mixed bag as far as reactions, sounds like you got to the root of it in your conversation with your dentist, no pun intended…

All the best to you and cheers to your health!

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