Although the river is entirely free of ice, you might think winter is still with us. The snowfall we received April 20th has yet to melt so outdoor walking is a bit precarious. I agree this is a poor excuse for not keeping to a fitness routine : )
Weather Extremes?: Although the river... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Weather Extremes?

Fellow Canadian. We have Snow here aswell.❄ Thankfully it's melting daily as the Sun gets stronger!☀️ Hope you are well..Take care!😊❤
Thanks for the encouraging words, fellow Canadian! We're in Saskatchewan. Which province is yours? Given the weather lately, I guess it could be any of the others! At least you can still take the kids sledding 😊.
Warmest wishes!
very beautiful pic Cindy! i am a new englander in US and the older i get...the more i hate the cold. however, i will always think snow is's in my DNA😉. but right about now....i can't wait for true spring🌺. almost here! thanks for sharing.
Thanks, Carole! We do feel the cold more as we age, and the accompaniments of MBC certainly don't help. On our last walk, David and I wore running shoes so we're extra reluctant to put on our winter boots again even with their inbuilt grippers 😜.
Stay warm,
i hear you👢......😊
Beautiful picture Cindy. Helps put an end to winter.
Cheers, June S.
Beautiful picture. Thanks for sharing!
Lingering snow. Disappears as the day progresses. But the weather is staying iffy. Maybe it is finished now.
Cheers, June S.
Our parents in Maine said it was 29F this morning… below freeezing snd nearly May!
Love to see the snow but don’t miss it much since we retired at the beach in NC almost 5 years ago from the north. Now able to walk our dog on the beach and in our neighborhood most of the year in flip flops! Life is good!
Goor Morning Cindy! Here is my best answer to no walking outdoors in winter! It is Cathy Roe's "low impact knee friendly cardio workout." I have finally reached the "25 min 5 days per week moderate exercise" that they recommend for those with MBC! Most of the time I don't even do the foot work--to make it even easier on my knees. Moving the arms really gets your heart rate up. We are having a cold April too here in Minnesota--but at least the snow has melted. Have fun and have a good Sunday! Kay
Hope the snow melts soon!
Winter has been slow to leave here, too, in SW Michigan. Snow, cold rain. But I'll take cold over hot, LOL. I fell on the ice ten years ago and ended up with 3 fractures in my ankle. So I tend towards the very cautious direction now. I've ordered Rx orthopedic shoes and am hoping they'll ease alot of, the ,pain I get in my feet by the end of the day. I'm very grateful for our good heating and cooling system and so much more...... but I do wish my poor ol' body didn't have so many things going wrong.....
The first year(1986) after I moved to Saskatchewan from Ontario, the temperatures went from -40 in January to +40 in July. Everyone had warned me about the cold (need for block heaters), but nobody mentioned the heat (it didn't last nearly as long, but was harder to escape since I don't use ACs). I don't think the extremes have been so dramatic since, but I didn't like either when moving about.
I do hope your new shoes help your feet! Pain must be so much harder to bear than the simple aches all our joints experience with age.
Beautiful picture. We are actually having ok weather in North of England at the moment , 14 degrees , sunny but it is cold on evenings ,going down to near zero. So unpredictable. Hope spring reaches you very soon.
Debra xxx😍